the future has arrived today ....

“hello every BODY” [‘’hi , doctor Nick !"] **


I just clicked onto my regular windcheck camera [mind you , by this time of the day I am usually RETURNING from a surf !!]…C’mon , ‘pommy Timmy’ , wake up from your Belmont castle !

and found …

Heck I must have overslept a wee touch this mornin’ ??!!

next time I will set my alarm [or at least go buy one , I guess !]


how were YOUR last thirty and a half years , yesterday ??

[I think , if this date is true , that most of us , if even still alive , will DEFINATELY be wearing our “head solar panels” !!]

cheers !


…and now , the future …

…interesting , eh ? [and it ain’t even April 1st yet !]


No signs of global warming, the groyne’s still there, and it’s STILL flat…

The boat designs haven’t changed much either…