The machine caused all this.

here's the pic , sorry

now its an anti climax, cause Im a der brain on computers, mayb this will work , its still funny

na no need to be so dramtical at all , get to it son, just let it run, eh mate , its gonna any way, hahahahahahahaha

Hello H,

              Good to here from you, but to tell you the truth, I just clicked on to see this thread alive… what, f@#k no. I watched it slip away and was like, yes! Gone!

It’s all a load of crap.


Tell you what, when you find that **secret machine** let me know, my lips are seeled. I’d work with you any day. You know it!


F@#k, debates on Sway’s, so many egos running rampant!


**Is that the pic of you with ure grom? wow , what happened to the curly white hair?**

** **

Yeah mate that’s Cruz Harper York, and me as for the hair well I grew older mate, Shit happens!


You sound as energetic (and crazy) as ever, I’ve seen some of your work around the traps. You’re not slowing down H, and getting some good results mate (I don’t mean comps).


**You know how you get those pics from Ulu's , got 1 , @ 54, cheers, H.**


Bloody Legend mate, that’s a nice turn.


Glad I/we (It was a group effort after all) made you laugh… ha… it’s good to here from you.


**so should I be sorry if I stirred some shit, ooooh obviously.**

** **

Yeah right, obviously not…. You’ve been doing it for 40 years!


Cheers, Y


Hey, my sons Two at the end of this month, got to make him a new board...Think he may have put on a bit of weight.


A good read and a touchy subject for some. I use a machine these days and probably do 80-90% of my shaping off the machine, I did feel like I was taking a short cut at the beginning, especially growing up working in factories and only ever seeing and riding handshaped boards but after realizing that the boards still came out looking  and surfing like mine and I had the ability to fine tune and replicate things ( this is the big one for me, replicating curves and designs that I have tested and are proven to work well ) then I started to come round to the machines...I changed my shaping logo 'from handcrafted' to 'designed and shaped by' so as not to decieve anybody and if anyone asks me I am honest and tell them I use the machine now..I did handshape only from the age of about 15 or 16 when I first dabbled in shaping, then again as I shaped on and off for years afterwards...I have recently began to shape a few more with the good old planer so as to keep up my skills and also for a bit of fun and challenge....I respect and understand the guys who do them all by hand but the times are changing and we all have choices to make and I chose to use the machine mostly for precision replication of proven designs as well as having several noise complaints from excessive planing in the tin shed but the plus side is that the machine reduces the time I spend in the bay while still putting out a quality shape and also freeing me up to spend more time with my kids ( high priority to me ), get in a few extra surfs as well as running my small shop...we all have different situations and it isnt black and white and nobody should tell you what to do ( not that anyone here is ), as long as you are putting out good shapes and not lying to customers about how boards are shaped and enjoying what we do, I reckon its all good...   I think alot of the skill is being able to know what design suits customers and to have that knowledge of design features and to be able to implement them into a board for maximum performance benefit........ my 2 cents for what its worth....

Y’all just need to order swallow tails.  The machine won’t cut the swallow, so you know at least that part is hand shaped.