I got this template from Bill Thrailkill back at the SD workshop in April. The template was marked “New Shape 1971.” I’m going make it Thrailkill twin fin setup. Here are some pictures of my progress so far…
Hi Swied
Check out this link:
I made one from a template that Bill sent me a couple of years ago…very fast - great down the line - used mine with twin TK flex fins and she’s a beauty!
Cool looking board. I hope that mine will turn out as good.
I’m note sure if anyone noticed, but I’m experimenting with the rail bands (see the pen lines). I’m doing a Bill Barnfield style band on the bottom – deeper cut in the middle and trailing off to nothing at the ends. On the top I’m making my bands a fixed distance from the rail. In the middle of the rail I’m going to leave 1/2" untouched. Hopefully the varying geometries won’t make a noticible jog in the outline.
TT with dual flex fins…DO TELL!