The right light for glassing

Hey, I’ve just finished building a room for shaping and glassing in…I’ll Post some pics soon…

I’m just about to glass my first board in there today but i’m jst not sure about the correct light for glassing…Can it be too bright? I have 2 x single fluros running ‘across’ the board about 5 foot apart…The thing is, because of the low ceiling, the lights are only about just over 2 foot above the board…

Is this going to be ok? or should i look at half covering them with something?



Lighting 2 ft above the board surface is really close. There’s glare off the wet resin, not to mention banging into the fixtures when you flip the board. Try and move the lights to the sides of your glassing racks but watch out for shadows as you stand over the board.

Yea I tried glassing with them…definately too close…and sandings no good either…just too bright i think…

What about if i moved them further apart?..One light down past the tail…and one past the nose?