the tinkler tail...

anyone here ever ridden one of these ?

comments ?

the tinkler tail

  ( with  thanks to <a href="" class="bb-url"></a> ) 


Excellent for old school carving moves, but not for snappy quick stomp on tail airs, lip slides, or tail release pivots.

Old school is dead.

I still own the windsurf board with that tail, use it hardly ever.

i havn’t had the opertunity to try the tinkler tail, but i recently met him and had a good look. the board i saw was quite different from the diagram above, the one i saw had what looked to be two tails, one above the other, the upper one being stiff like a traditional tail, and the lower being made of flexible carbon fiber between the two were three interchangable rubber springs that control the amount of flex. the tail seems like a good idea, the only problem is the added weight. he said that he is currently seeking investors to start up large scale production of the board in mexico or somthing… in what sounded like a suftech-like marketing strategy. it will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

I’ve never ridden a tinkler, but here’s something to ponder…

I recently met Steve Pendarvis and he showed me his “pendo flex”.He says they are high speed torque tails with a soft shell eva foam inlay.His are super nice and light.

They faded out for a while but were re-introduced recently on some sailboards. I may have posted an article from Windsurfer magazine in the archives. Probably too heavy for use in surfboards.

They work well for carving old farts, but the problem has always been inconsistencies in the ride over time and use.

Glass breaks down, springs wear out, rubber bumpers age and crack, so the feel just changes constantly, causing the surfer/sailor to constantly adapt to the new ride.

KISS theory applied, they died.

LeeDD: “the problem has always been inconsistencies in the ride over time and use. Glass breaks down… the feel just changes constantly, causing the surfer to constantly adapt to the new ride.”

Huh? The same things can be said about modern surfboards!

Just what the hell do you think is wrong with surfers who you describe as “carving old farts”?

Dude- it`s so easy to unwittingly follow the K.I.S.S. philosophy to freakin’ absurdity! That method just as often produces the lowest common denominator. Creativity, quality and performance are often the first things to suffer.


Glass breaks down, springs wear out, rubber bumpers age and crack, so the feel just changes constantly, causing the surfer/sailor to constantly adapt to the new ride.

Same thing applies to snowboards(they wear out), but would you ever want to ride a dead stiff snowboard for those reason?



The Tinkler tail from the Surfer Magazine Design Forum (70’s)

I love my white foam thruster clone or (insert current popular longboard surfer’s name here) longboard shape as much as anybody, but it takes cajones to be an individual with different design ideas and then make the leap to show up at your local break and try them out. If they work they are ripped off and if they don’t work you pretty much achieve instant clown status.

Resin drips on your Bell-bottoms?

From the mouth of babes, just bright eyed innocents!

Most of you have never even surfed a flex tail/tinkler!

Believe in the hype, the printed word is GOD!

I went thru that phase, having started making boards in 1968. Do you think I’m a new school bunny hopper?

Tinkler tail + normal glass breakdown + DOUBLE the amount of materials break down over a very short time.

THINK about that!

...  and bring back every failed old attempt to make some money with wierd design

I’m thinking that Chip was just sharing some old drawings for feedback and inspiration?

I’m also thinking that I was just sharing the original design article. Old school information sharing WAS publishing in the Surfer Magazine Design Forum.

Information shared = new ideas that maybe inspired Bert’s flexible wood sandwich boards & Greg’s new perimeter stringer semi-flexible blank?

By the way - I did try one - my friend had one, but I didn’t think much of it. I started shaping in 1969, so I bow to you, and I have stopped further work on my NEW improved floppy-tinkle-pee-pee tail innocent grom money-waster that I had drawn up in my CAD program, thanks.

Sorry if my last post looked like a personal attack…peace?

Possibly you misread my intent on this subject.

Having ridden a flex tail, you must know it is superior in faster, stronger waves that you have to cover lots of ground on, and that it has a feel of acceleration not matched by any design except possibly for the Bonzer concept.

Being an old guy, I don’t have needs for airs, 360’s, or super light weight. Being that lots of surfers DO need that stuff…

You see, I"m not dissing the concept, just trying to make the readers do some thinking on their own.

The concept is great, the application has never proved to be more than barely adaquate.

I had an early model in the late seventies. It had metal springs as the energy store and I thought it worked well initially but it only lasted about a month before the glass started to fail and I ended up with negative tail rocker! It ended up being a very expensive little experiment…so if he’s still in business you can tell him I’d like a full refund plus interest…for putting out an untested product and destroying a new surfboard in the process! Should be a nice tidy little sum by now…anyway I wouldn’t be investing in any of his products though I still think we can use more flex than is provided by current materials but I’ve never seen a functional way of providing it!

Bob Tinkler was in my shop today, we kinda fix the master to get it ready for producition,

the concept is what shaper and surfer are waiting forever.

with the T-tail you can use the strongest/stiffer materiel available because you no longer need the flexible materiel, the t-tail does the work.

you need to understand that with the t-tail you can have strait rocker as you go down the line and more rocker when you are turning, the tail fallow you carving like skateboard truck fallow the pavement.

you go faster, turn better, you have 50 different boards in one.

the design is openning doors where surfer never could go.

it is amazing.

the board has to be produce in a molding setup to keep light and will be too hard to retrofit for the garage shaper,

kinda like the pope-bisect.

the T-tail can make you experience FLEX wich is what we always were looking for, greenough, rusty flex tail, mctavish everybody is dreaming of flex control.

as a shaper i think the t-tail will change things.


Can you sound more like you are a marketing person, hired to push another flying fart concept, to surfers with the IQ’s of minus 20?

All smoke and mirrors, you don’t mention materials in the flex material, pics of how it’s applied, but just hocus pocus “you can’t copy this” magic.

At least we’ve seen a few pics, all of varying designs. Which is yours?

Sorry! Just calling a spade a spade, no personal attack intended!

I tend to agree with LeeDD. If you have patented your design you have nothing to lose by posting piccies here. Put your money where your mouth is and remember the rules of this forum. Substantiate your claims. This is not a personal attack. Just interested…



what ever,

i am not part of his design, i was helping him fixing the board because he live in the same town.

i have nothing to do with him and his design but has a shaper i can judge if the idea is good.

the guy is allright, he his not my friend but he has a few cool story to tell.

who cares about that shit anyway…

i have been shaping for 10 years full time trying to fight surftech invasion in my area, i dont beleive that molding is the best thing to do for our industry but as far as design goes i feel limited with the design evolution. people are looking around and going back retro, people are confuse.

the T-tail is juet a new avenue.

i wish bob would make a plug for us to use on a normal custom board like a fin system but it doesnt seem to be the case and its sad.

it will be mass produce in mexico or china i guess…

i am fighting the invasion everyday like most of you custom shaper.

but its hard to be mad at people that are trying to make fat cash because alot of us would love that cash.

oh well…

How about the King Mackerel Tail??A few years ago in Ponte Vedra Florida a dude saw that the Kings were in the surf just ripping up the baitfish.So…this guy ties a line and a lure on the tail of the board and proceeds to catch a few waves and “troll” in the lineup.Sure enough a huge king grabbed the lure and snatched the board right out from under him.He didn’t have a leash because it would tangle in the fishing line.They chased that board down the beach for two hours before getting it back plus they lost the fish.So what does this have to do with the Tinkler tail??I don’t have a clue. RB

As a local in the same area, i can attest that louie has no personal interest in the tinkler tail and is only looking at it as the rest of you should. which is from a unbiased view. I myself have no interest in the T-tail either but we are in the backroads of the surfing community and shaper’s ideas travel fast around here. It seems to me that a lot of people have already made their minds up about this design and that is fine. I however am egar to try this board for my self and get first hand knowledge on this board. I realise this is something that he has been working on for many years now and designs often hit the market before they are ready. However I have seen and heard bob around the area extensivly testing the board and getting a lot of feedback; from both riders and shapers. He seems to be spending a lot more time and money researching and perfecting this new version then what was previously done on the initial relaeses. As performance goes that is yet to be seen however from what i understand the springs are being reworked as one of the local surfers busted them pulling a frontside air. This may not be just for “carving old farts” anymore. I for one am keeping an open mind and will wait for a final product.