The Visible Fin Tip Vortex... Underwater Video


This actually does not work, the vortex is a result of the generated lift.

While it’s size and energy dissipation might be affected by the tip shape, the tip vortex’s existence cannot by eliminated without taking away the lift force.

The vortex still exist and is a side effect the generated lift on a non-finite lifting body (a theoretical infinite wing has a tip vortex at infinity).

Every lifting body generates a tip vortex which is linked to the downwash that generates lift.

Winglets on airplanes have the same effect on efficiency as increasing the wingspan. When you want to pack many planes in a airport, reducing the wingspan has a significant benefit, not so much on surf fins.

You’re right on with your observations.

The efficiency gains made by america’s cup boats are irrelevant. Mostly because 80% of the fins out there do not even use the proper foil profiles and if they do they are probably not accurately produced. Without getting the profile right, the surface finishing does not make a significant difference.

IMO, you just need to use a proper profile and all other stuff is trail and error. A tip vortex is unavoidable as I explain here:

Thanks again Hans, for Finfoil, which allowed MrMik to design and make all these fins which opened my mind, and made riding my longboard, and to a great degree my shortboard, so much more fun and interesting and enlightening.


As somepoint, I hope to find my lost surfstoke, and get back into collecting more underwater video, and making and experimenting with high aspect ratio fins.