The World is round !

And not flat as first perceived.The Sun,stars,and other planets donot revolve around us.Rather, we travel around the sun in a solar system along with other great planets.This is to be the truth,and is now written in my book for all to read.

This is a LIE ! and the work of the devil himself ! You Galileo will retract your statements in a new book claiming the readings before were fairy tales,or we will behead you!

It is done, The above written statement about our planet and solar system is untrue,and should be read as fiction only.

The world is round…my wife is flat…

Boy do I know !

Hmmm… I know Saturday was a little flatter than we were hoping from the surf reports, but Sunday was a lot of fun, even down here in SoCal… you guys must have been bored this weekend?