the worm is turning

remember when you were a kid in queensland and the summer storms would roll through like clock work everyday after school. the weather cycle seems to have come back full circle in the first few weeks of summer this year after a fifteen year break. heres hoping for a return to those real good cyclone swells that would line up one after the other back in those days aswell. do you think the whole clark foam thing was the wakeup call the industry needed. could be a few hard months ahead but it should sort it self out i reckon. a microsoft style monopoly is never good when it goes wrong like this. for years now i have enjoyed taking the drive down to burfords to pick up a blank once or twice a year. it would dissapoint me for that to be taken away from everyone in the future. new players are sure to arrive and fill the void. on the up side though there should be plenty of people walking round with dollar signs for eyeballs cause they own clark merchandise of some type. hey if i buy that Ebay blank now for $400 maybe it could be worth $1000 in a few years and i can take my place beside all those fat hawaiian shirt wearing old timers at the next auction…im just annoyed i never bought the fred tool.

“for years now i have enjoyed taking the drive down to burfords to pick up a blank once or twice a year. it would dissapoint me for that to be taken away from everyone in the future.”

…let’s hope no paranoid peter here decides to get the E.P.A. here all stirred up over polyurethane blanks …

" new players are sure to arrive and fill the void"

yep … china [and ?japan ?, perhaps. ]

And while Americans refuse to buy the stuff [while driving japanese cars , listening to japanese sound systems , and using japanese cameras] , the rest of the world will be enjoying some very nice polyurethane blanks , while the epoxy and beer cooler guys struggle to stop their boards delamming after a year .

Ah , Australia , the “lucky country” , indeed …


"out on the patio we sit

and the humidity we breath

we watch the lightning

crack over cane fields

laugh and think that

"this is Australia " *


  • [well …parts of Queensland , at least !]

Howzit Mick, Don’t know if you can buy the Fred tool, we made our own, easy to make.Aloha,Kokua

," while the epoxy and beer cooler guys struggle to stop their boards delamming after a year ".

have you EVER owned a good epoxy board?

my first one lasted 7 years till i broke it, the second one is 5 years and counting----you might have been trying to be funny —but you just managed to piss me off

Hey Ben,

What makes you think Americans won’t buy Japaneese blanks? Very few of the things we use are made in America. Even our American cars are made in other countries and sold to us. If the price and quality are there they’ll sale like nose plugs in a shit storm. Globalization,my man. Can’t get away from it. Mike

good , so there’s at least ONE other other person on the forum who has an open mind to try asian and non-american boards . That’s reassuring !


if you built the board yourself , using beer cooler foam and epoxy 7 years ago, then yes … I’m [sorta] impressed … and , surprised !

If you didn’t , then , big deal …every one of my polyurethane boards glassed with polyester resin [except one I snapped] has lasted me 7 years or more . [I still have a board made that way from 1975]

no biggie …the truth often hurts !


Hey Ben

Aghh…Hey to say it… but I think your view of the “Americians” are little off.

Anyone else here agree???

Its almost a dig to us in the States and that to bad we are not Australian’s or there…

I have spent time in other countries and you know what…No matter what the comminatary that particuliar country offers (surf, good food, nice weather, hot women) it does not beat good old US of fucking A.

I too know of people that have riden ther Epoxy’s for years.

Also we have all types here…Please, please,… the most common mis-conception of when I taught in Europe was that we Americains where the same (rich cowboys that eat fast foods and watched a ton of TV) well guess what Ben…We are not like that.

I can’t get into to it right now but there are major major advancements towards foam production right here. Guess what it won’t be epoxy blanks either.

I have been your advocate of you and your stoke in the past.

Don’t rattle cage just looking for a reaction thats not cool.


Guess what it won’t be epoxy blanks either.

good to hear .

I always thought people were allowed to express opinions on internet forums .

guess I was wrong …everyone else is allowed to , except me eh ? I don’t think so…

well sorry “duuuudes” … australians , english , new zealanders , japanese …ANY nationality on this forum is perfectly entitled to their beliefs and opinions in this day and age .

At least , we are in Australia …it’s called keeping it real.


In one thread Chipper is asking for video of Cerritos College…

In the next …Bad mouthing The USA…

What’s up Chip Fish ? I thought we were friends.

Must be flat in your town… Big swell coming to So. Cal Soon !

New wave of surfboard construction… Swaylocks will never be the same!!!

Smile , Have fun ,Go Surfing!


I think chip was just talking about the “shananigun” of some people’s reaction to the closure of clark foam. have a laugh, its fun!

and yes my spoon made in 1967 is in perfect condition with only one slight ding, made from pu/pe.

the sugar cane is almost all gone too.

opiions[opinions]* ,like onions

some make you cry

if you dont chopem up

quick enough.

throw em in the oil ,carmelize a bit

and the flavor is delightful.


the sun rises

in new york

long before sydney

and after the queen

yawns after the dawn.

and the first shall be last.

the spell has been cast

clark wont be the last

how to gracefully disengage

from the debacle

of the headlong rush

to industrialization

the burden of waste and toxic byproducts

to the revolutionary manufacturer

is the real question.

nationalistic Nyah NYah

an my yard’s bigger than yours

or more comfortable

is just a roadside distraction.

the old picture of Iron eyes Cody

looking out over the freeway

with a tear rolling down his cheek

might easily be like an abboriginal cousin

looking out at the enviro parrallel.

we are in the saame boat.

where does the moon set

some one older than us has a real accurate Idea

based on a higher minded attitude,

I hope

there fore I wish to awaken tomorrow

*the typing freudian slip is very interesting

opi[n]ions ,like onions

some make you cry

if you dont chopem up

quick enough.

throw em in the oil ,carmelize a bit

and the flavor is delightful.

amby the word chef cooks up a beauty …again !

“salut !”


isn’t “chipfish61” just playing at being this guy ?


Guess what it won’t be epoxy blanks either.

good to hear .

I always thought people were allowed to express opinions on internet forums .

guess I was wrong …everyone else is allowed to , except me eh ? I don’t think so…

Ben it does not sound like an opinion but more of a blanket statement that Americans are narrow-minded individuals that ride inferior equipment.

I’m not sure how many people ride in the states but you can’t lump all of us together.

Then make light of a serve setback (although it will be temporary) and then gloat about it how it sucks to be us (Americans) but you guys (Aussies) have it great and call that an “opinion”.

Gloating does not equal opinion.

Does anybody else see this???

I know not all Aussies see it the same way you do.

I have an Aussie and Kiwi friend here in NE and they don’t have blanket views on Americians.

If this is keeping it real….Well then you can keep it then.


As a matter of fact ‘chippi’ my very first board , 1963 Was made of styrofoam from an industrial refrigator, started as a slab 10 feet by 2 feet by 8 inch thick----lasted quite a while till i wrapped it around a pier 'piling… since then a number of boards of all kinds of construction—i just like epoxy and eps best…please don’t suck up in one post and bad mouth in the next. opinions are one thing being just plain rude is another

all, alebit aboriginal forefathers, americans started out with the same goal,

to become americans.

throughout the world slighting comments are made often with americanisms

like keeping it real,psych,far out ,bitchin ,cowabunga stoke a boka,and of course the cats pajamas,oh you kid, twenty three skidoo

these are indications of the underlying facination the world has for americana

the oppertunity to find fault is an oppertunity for many to justfy not becoming mesmerized by the american dream.


Americus Vespuchi

whadda guy

he rode a wardy balsa

its summer and the wind was offshore all day on sunday, out of season or what…i turned up at the beach at 1030am and thought it would be over by then, instead it was fun little beachies at north shore of maroochy river. my girlfriend got out with her board and as i stood in the shallows after bodybashing a nice one, the ocean proceeded to crank for 10 minutes, then went back to semi-closeouts. bodysurfed a few sand bottom crystal peelers. those UDT’s make bodyboarding fins feel like peices of soggy cardboard in comparison.

If there was someone selling close tolerance eps blanks I’d definitely give it a try. Would be nice if there was a glass shop that laminated with epoxy tool. Wait…doesnt CMP do that? Anyway, I’m just sitting out this whole event waiting to see whats gonna happen. I did get some good news today though. It was an email from Walker foam saying there would be blanks available in Hawaii in 4 weeks.

… Hi Mick!

Glad your loving your udts. i know what you mean about bodyboarding fins, there crapola hey.

How long are your udts (if you don’t mind) from the back of the strap to the tip of the blade.



…bodybashing with a good pair of fins is just excellent! espicelly when you’ve got a whole good bank to yourself.