there would not

have been any coral if you hadn’t put it down first. means alot to be able to see something -

asked for the smallest at other, and found another punch. Have to fight back at some point when hate is not what has been put out. Please just to see something not about hate, just to see something is so important to one.

asked for the smallest at other, and found another punch. Have to fight > back at some point when hate is not what has been put out. Please just to > see something not about hate, just to see something is so important to > one. Well, I been to one world fair, a rodeo, and a picnic. I can’t make hide n’r hair o yer yammerin’ on that partickular design theoory! I think you two rosey Rueskies should russle up a room, er bake some bread, or hell I d’no knit some wicker pants. But fer Pete’s sake give us here at the Swaylocks herd a gosh dern break from yer flowery up the stairway to the squeeky bed,lollypop, sugar coated, commie incripted, talky-talk, ballbust’n, anti American, no wave catchin’, rude as a bear in heat, spittle ! Thanks gentlm’n fer yer attention, Slim Railpickins