They said it would never happen...

whell I started cleaning out the glassing area in my shed

and guess what I found???

a mailer with about a hundred clark foam laminates!!!

wow all my last of athe world clark blanks will get identifying lams!

basa said ,you found gold.

whadda ya think ?

anybody need/want archival lams?

got the tinys on a sheet and the six inchers and some tuw inchers all on full sheets cut em out kine…


I’ll bet the folks at the Surfing Heritage Foundation would be interested in a couple. I doubt if they have gotten around to looking for Clark memorabilia…

Trust me, they’re on it. Though they would not turn down some lams, if offered. They are a 401c3, nonprofit organization, so you get a tax deduction for the donation value.


I spent some money getting an old yellowed Clark blank that I want to shape into a “final” Clark of my

limited shaping career. I have been trying to buy a few lams for it on EBay with no luck. Would you consider

parting with a couple (enough to do one board)? Thanks,


Long Beach

Surfteach, in case Ambrose’s laminates would not be available, I got some left. PM me your adress and I’ll send you a couple. (Just trying to keep a few as memorabilia…)

adress please?

gotta measure

reply tomorrow


its tomorrow




spectral colors

solids in the large

and blends

mediums in blue yellow green or purp red yellow

smalls say super green in three sollid colors pink black or green

small super light in red

all remaining clarks should be labeled for posterity…

or one board… all the laminates

mu ah ha ha , o’leary

muu aah ha ha , o’leary

moo aaaahh HA HA , o’leary

early in the morning.


eat a pear and go off

bosh pear.

sensitivity to foods is

a cheap load.

Hi Ambrose,

I still have 5 Clarks left to shape and would love to acquire some laminates, if that might be possible, please PM me to sort out the details, price etc.

Thanks very much


P.S. Every day when I check the wind report from Station ALSN6, I’m reminded of the Kauian Laureate (Lorikeet).