Don’t mean to sound harsh, but it’s pretty naive to be careless and then claim you were robbed.
That was supid to leave the racks out over the week-end I know. (Paint needed to dry) One of my guy’s left it out.
When you break-down a 3,000 squarefoot shop (Wood Shop, shaping bay, CNC room, Blank Storage) you get tried.
Moved every thing into 1/2 of a 1500 square foot shop. All the wood shop went into storage. Space was tight.
Threw away Balsa Wood and Blanks and hot wire tools and lots of templates as well as 20 sheets of sound board.
It might of been easier for you (I heard that your extremely talented) to make this transition however it was a grind for me.
With all the construction going on and trying to get production going at the same time it was like juggling.
Someone did take the racks and then returned them when the word traveled around town. So I was lucky not to loose the racks.
The shaper that took them was under the impression that I was tossing them? So he was honest enough to return them.
I posted the loss because swaylocks was up on the computer at the shop right in front of where the racks were missing.
So my claim brought the racks back.
Growing up in HB I know very well about the savagers and have left old working (TV’s, Computers, Lamps, Beds, Washer, Dryer, Ten Speeds, Toys) out side.
The next morning their gone and I’m stoked to have others find use for them.
Anyway I feel pretty supid the way it all went down. I guess you just confirmed my ignorance. You called me out so you win!
I will have my move completed by this week-end so time to go surfing and relax a little bit.