Thieves who are Shapers?

Shaping racks get painted (TELESCOPING)

They were custom for short, long, guns, paddle - anything!

Sad to see them stolen from the front of the shop Monday morning. (Clear Water Glassing)

If any one from the Huntington, Costa Mesa, Newport area see a set of adjustable racks (Black) in anybodies bay please let me know? You can run but you can’t hide.

Stealing a set of shaping racks is as low as you can go!

It’s not the money it’s the time that went into them that hurts.

no shaper would steal something like that…seems like too much bad mojo, right?

do you have any scavengers that roll through that complex looking for scrap/junk

to pick up?

any of your neighbors have cameras?

Bro that sucks I will put the word out in SD just in case they try to sell them.


Bummer!! It could be someone

also in the complex who knew what

they were looking at…

they would have to be really sneaky too!

To bad, be careful with the other stuff

someone is checking ya out!



Word travels fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!

Thats pretty darn good considering the word was out for only a few hours.

Glad you got the rack back.

Share the story?

Painted the rack and left them out to dry over the week-end.

I know pretty dumb.

In the Costa Mesa Surf Ghetto we all look out for each other.

So I did think anyone would take them.

When I came in Monday morning and saw they were gone I freaked!

I put a word out on swaylocks and told a few who past by the shop.

Within one hour the racks were returned.

Stoked. Costa Mesa/Newport still has some straight up guy’s.

My faith in the brotherhood is in tack.

When your surrounded by trust funders who needs to steal?

It’s a pretty common thing in many SoCal industrial complexes to leave out items that salvagers/scavengers might want like cardboard, pallets, or that old velour reclining lounge chair. I’ve even seen this in residential areas. Replace your toliet? Just put the old one on the curb, it’ll be gone in the morning. If you leave something out all weekend in an industrial area when nobody’s around, it’s like adding a sign that says “please take”. Don’t mean to sound harsh, but it’s pretty naive to be careless and then claim you were robbed.

Don’t mean to sound harsh, but it’s pretty naive to be careless and then claim you were robbed.

That was supid to leave the racks out over the week-end I know. (Paint needed to dry) One of my guy’s left it out.

When you break-down a 3,000 squarefoot shop (Wood Shop, shaping bay, CNC room, Blank Storage) you get tried.

Moved every thing into 1/2 of a 1500 square foot shop. All the wood shop went into storage. Space was tight.

Threw away Balsa Wood and Blanks and hot wire tools and lots of templates as well as 20 sheets of sound board.

It might of been easier for you (I heard that your extremely talented) to make this transition however it was a grind for me.

With all the construction going on and trying to get production going at the same time it was like juggling.

Someone did take the racks and then returned them when the word traveled around town. So I was lucky not to loose the racks.

The shaper that took them was under the impression that I was tossing them? So he was honest enough to return them.

I posted the loss because swaylocks was up on the computer at the shop right in front of where the racks were missing.

So my claim brought the racks back.

Growing up in HB I know very well about the savagers and have left old working (TV’s, Computers, Lamps, Beds, Washer, Dryer, Ten Speeds, Toys) out side.

The next morning their gone and I’m stoked to have others find use for them.

Anyway I feel pretty supid the way it all went down. I guess you just confirmed my ignorance. You called me out so you win!

I will have my move completed by this week-end so time to go surfing and relax a little bit.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to rub it in. Didn’t know that this happened in the middle of a move, it’s easy to get stressed-out and you can’t remember everything. I’ve done much worse. With so many businesses going down every week in our area, there’s lots of good stuff getting put out on the street for whoever wants it. The person who took the stands should have asked first, or left a note if nobody was around. The main reason your post drew my attention was because at first it seemed similar to this recent theft in Newport Beach:

I don’t even leave my glassing shoes outside anymore.

Thanks for understanding.

With today’s financial situation people are down sizing or shuting down their business’s.

The business park I was in (Mesa West) had 100% occupancy rate. Currrently people are

moving out without completing the lease agreement. I have quit running my businness

3 months ago out of there. I still pay the lease which is more than a house payment.

My new location is 80% less overhead. (in Theory) I had to put my wood shop in storage.

Moving has been pretty stressfull. Plus the surfboard market is the slowest I have ever

witnessed. Board orders that come in on monday are finished by Thursday?

Same week delivery. The norm was 8 weeks. Anyway it’s been stuff watching

my dream shop be dismantled. Next go around I will buy the building instead

that way I can flow through the low times without moving. In the mean time

we need to knuckle down and have ice in our bellies!


The main reason your post drew my attention was because at first it seemed similar to this recent theft in Newport Beach:

I don’t even leave my glassing shoes outside anymore.

LOL - that’s classic.