I have decided I am going to pick up a Campbell Bros Bonzer as its way beyond my building skills right now and my 50th brithday is coming as an excuse. Been debating between the Bumblebee, octafish and a Pod, as I surf mostly waist to head high beach breaks in WA. Any suggestions on sizing one of these and which would be better than the other? Avg surfer, 190#, 6' tall. Also, three fin or five? Thanks for any suggestions or opinions!
My best ever bonzer was a 5 fin 7’6" Speed egg.
Yes, the egg is another option, what sort of waves did it work best in?
That egg was ridden from triple overhead reefs to 1ft beachies. All it needs is a shapely wave
my current fav board is my 8’3" 5 fin egg bonzer, it is a development of the 7’8" squash tail 5 fin bonzer----there’s nothing these two will not handle! for doen the line speed and control and a good solid grip on the wave face, it’s bonzer all the way! o, and i’m 63 years ole and 6 ft by 220 lbs…and the boards are both epoxy/eps hand lams for float and strength…
There are so many options in these boards its hard to pick one out. I have been thinking of the 6'5" Bumblebee since it seems to be a small wave design and gets alot of good feedback, but i guess I should not limit my view of these as I have heard just as much good about the eggs. Saw some of the Gary Hanel Bonzers, they look awfully nice also.