This is a little off topic but - Andreini

Will be in the southern california area for 10 days starting next week. Need a yard or garage or alley - someplace legal and safe, to crash while in the area, will trade a 9’8" Andreini Owl for lodging. Just need some waves. Two brothers, 26 and 18 - decent clean quiet people. We’re in Florida, its painfully flat and we have arrangements to be in the Long BEACH area starting on the 23rd. If youre near the beach and want to get a bitchin log in great shape in exchange for letting two dudes crash then this could be the deal for you.

This is for real and not a weird joke. You dont even have to hang out with us. Just a place to sleep and wake up, we can eat elsewhere, use the bathroom elsewhere, (but if you want to give us a ride to the spot every morning or whatever thats rad) no drugs or booze or crazy stuff.

Help if you can…right on.

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