Those that can, do...............

What do you think the “talk about it vs. build and test” ratio is among Swaylocks’ membership?

I have no idea my bet thou is that bert and greg can do both. After the where flex is important thread i got an idea to make a board out of all alternative materials, cept for the foam core. that i am keeping polyurathane. epoxy deck DHP resin with uniweave fabric on the bottom


100% of all West Oz members!!!

I think everyone here pretty much tells the truth, with very little bravado and macho self hype.

Personally, I am supposed to be one of the guys with the most posts, total, in 2 years.

I haven’t built a surfboard in over 30 years!

But no one can dispute the advice I give. They can dislike my methods, my attitude, but my advice is sound.

Who cares whether a person in fully involved in board building, you all come here for ADVICE!

A coach doesn’t need to play the sport well before becoming a coach!

hi LeeDD

I think it’s cool that you and everyone here can make something neat by hand.Anytime you want.I have noticed that as life hands you more responsibility and time is not in seemingly unlimited supply,like when you are a young person,those things that are produced by one person become a really big deal.It could be anything,surfboards are here,becouse they represent a picture of that person at that moment in time and that they had the patience to pour over it and see it through.I personally have a hard time finishing things,and run out of patience with myself at times but there is nothing better than finishing a project.Whenever I ask my dad how he keeps after something and finishes it,he says you can’t do it all in a day,any little bit you do helps.

As much as some of us would love to be able to build our own boards we don’t all have the opportunity or means. I live in a small apartment in the city with no options for a shaping room, I barely have enough room for all my other junk! Also as much as I love surfing I have another intense passion - music. I pour a lot of time, energy and creativity into my music and it takes up a large chunk of my life. So it’s a question of priorities and opportunities. I think it is more than a little unfair to look down on those of us who use swaylocks who don’t “build and test”. After all I don’t rag people out for listening to music that they haven’t created themselves!

Each to their own, after all it’d be a pretty boring world if we all just put our creativity into making surfboards. Just remember Swaylocks wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for the passion and creativity of the technogeeks who developed the internet chat room…