Tiger Stripes, Help me help myself...

I have a Mexican Blanket with Tony the Tiger on it. I got it in TJ. How about them apples.

Im thinking that the red board I did was more of a zebra stripe effect

I dont think we have to use any perticular colors.

the patterns is what supports the name/effect (my opinion)

Ive seen tiger and zebra stripes done in all different colors

you learn somthing new every day.

I aint never seen a six leged tiger before

i think it’s actually an 8 legged, two headed tiger. must be done with a precise combination of resin x, rr epoxy, dion resin, laminated by a chinese born american glasser, by hand in a vacum sealed room.

Here’s a board from 2006 that was airbrushed onto the shaped blank… This pic brings back memories!

Here’s another one done the same way…

the cool thing about resin work is you can do anything…tiger zebra


with yout level of creativity and skill i was expecting a zebra headed tiger wraped in a mexican blanet…


hi gabo, tigerstripes are done with resin on the cloth as some here have discribed.

they’re called tigerstripes no matter what color they are(“mexican blanket” would be a discription of a tigerstripe).

they aren’t done with an airbrush but i guess if a board that is airbrushed to look like a tiger (and thats what you were after) you could technically call it a tigerstripe.

experiment, but do it all in the time it takes to do a regular color lam. everything should kick around the same time.

i’ve got to point out that there were some pretty wacky answers to your post but i think you got the right info if you pick through it.

Howzit gene, Check out my attachment picture on page 1 of the thread. The base color is sprayed and the stripes are done by hand.Aloha,Kokua