If we become tired of being called a crack-pots …there is a cure…write a book and we are catapulted in status…we are then Authorities…crazy? make money we become eccentric…definitive tomes all…who was noah webster,merriam webster…did the argue about definitions?..spelling? pronunciations?we are the tube…alan watts told me that in THE BOOK…I believed 'em…Wholburt Wrathburns new book on steak knife serration will set the record straight…surfing: not an electronic reality…ambrose …before dinner …Felix Seidler bless your grace and obtuse opinions…
Ambrose!!! this is your mother, have you forgotten to take your medication again. I’ll be over tonight with the cardigan i’ve been knitting for you and some warm milk. Remeber what I told you. Stay inside at all times and do not approach anyone walking past your house and harass them with your indecipherable banter.
hey mom dont forget the wax you have been saving from the bon bell an baby goudas im gonna barbque to night anna wanna make some slippery bumps wax…oh yea bring cookies…the medicine goes much better with cookies or are the cookies the medicine…no wonder i felt so clearheaded after Ileave home for a couple o’days…you always told me it was surfing magazines that made me woozy…your son… lil’ Am …kick that damn dog for me ,I cant reach