TO FIX, OR NOT TO FIX that is the question

[img_assist|nid=1059511|title=BROKEN-FERG-1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=1059512|title=BROKEN-FERG-2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=1059513|title=BROKEN-FERG-3|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=94|height=100]this is the 1st board my son & i made a few years ago & is very good ride in all sorts of conditions,so do i fix it or not? i had a board put back together a few years ago (professionally) only to have it snap again. or do i fashion out a flat fish from the longer bit (7’ 8")

this is what happens from surfing a point break on low tide at dusk. discuss.



Cut the tail clean,add a wood or foam tail block then shape it down so the tail has a nice foil then glass it.Maybe put a center fin box in it or some keels like a big simmons style board.

thanks jesus, that could work, i can reclaim the finbox as well.



If it was me, I would fix it.  How are your glassing skills?  I think fixing makes more sense than re-shaping.  I fixed a GSI longboard that was broken in two, and I love surfing that board.  Bit of work, but worth it.

Na  dont bother fixin it.

Hack it down reshape somthin worthwhile. It’s  only gonna break again somewhere else…

Go on you can do IT !!!

I’d fix it for a six pack of good beer.  Ok, maybe two! 

look up how in the archives.  once it’s back in one piece, you could also try J Mellor’s “fin box reinforcer” trick, route slots next to the fin box but longer (a few inches) and drop some stringer-size wood in there…plane flush to the bottom, and then reglass the back few feet of the board.

it would have ended in more tears going left at Dee Why Point.


Looks like a real clean break. A slo-mo break—like where a leash is pulling one way and the wave is pulling the other and you get a “bend-break”; those are tough to get lined up right. From your pic, nothing looks deformed.

Worst case," it doesn’t ride the same". Neither will a re-shape.

Fix it and call it your point-break-low-tide-at dusk board.





Fix it.

I’m with Stingray … Fix it.

Sounds like the board is special to you.

Rout out box and fill


Going from the position you have the fin you can reposition the box and maybe drop back to an 8" box to keep repaired area solid.

Surf it.



Looking at your workroom Fergo what do you do for a crust ?



we are a sign company & do digital printing as well. thinking on how i can digitally print surfboard decals.

[img_assist|nid=1060078|title=FERG FIXED|desc=snapped clean just above the fin box.|link=none|align=left|width=91|height=100][img_assist|nid=1060079|title=FERG FIXED 2|desc=|link=none|align=none|width=48|height=100]

thanks to everyone who made comment on to fix or not to fix, here is the end result of the repairs which turned out great, thanks to Marcus at Weapon Surfboards for getting on it super quick for the trip down south.


cheers all.

nice save!

That is one good looking repair job.

holy mole!  that is a great repair!