I just searched the archives for tips on posting pics to the site. I could not find anything. Maybe I was using the wrong key words. I am getting together some pics of some of my boards and I would like to post them. I know you have to register/sign up and I remember you saying that the images have to be loaded from the browser not the hard drive. How do you do that on a mac (no right mouse button). I’m using Internet Explorer 5 on a mac G4, OS 9. Forgive my ignorance, I don’t do a lot of web stuff. If you have any info I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Mike, Actually when you upload to the archive you do it from your hard drive (not the internet.). Just register and log in. When you log in you will see a button at the bottom called “ADD”. Click this and follow the directions. If you have more any problems just let me or someone else here know. Good luck. Mike