Tom @ Daum/Red-X Fins.................

…I got together with Tom @ Daum Tooling yesterday and got an eye full of new stuff he’s working on.The Red-X Bonzer fins are the SH*T!!!I also got a good long look at Tom’s Campbell Bonzer,NICE STICK!!!Tom’s definiately got it going on! …Tom, after departing,I went back down to San O TO RE-CHECK IT,and ran into some young talented surf buddies of mine.They were getting a ride to the gate from a friend of their’s that was leaving for the day.They asked if I wanted to tag along so I grabbed my gear,and off we went.Got lowers glassy shoulder/headhigh on sets,and tons of waist high waves to be had.There was only 4-6 guys out and half of them left when we paddled out.It was picture perfect,no lie.Surfed until I couldn’t see anymore…hey sceptics, don’t believe me?Ask Colin McPhillips he was out too.Colin was rippin’ the tops off some nice peelers.What a nice way to end a clustered f**ked week…there is a God.Herb