Tom Sterne

Would you share how you did the bottom of that board, please?

TS, What a sweet board! I dig that color scheme Tom. It sort of reminds me of a Cooperfish. How long did it take to complete it? I went to your link and was impressed. Did you build that site as well? If you did then you are one talented fellow. Nice boards on that site too – I recognized some from the Board page. Magoo

JR and Magoo- Thanks for the feedback. The lamination didn’t take that much longer than a regular one with the exception of the tape off and some extra time mixing and straining resin and pigments plus the cut lap. You can’t see it in the pics but the blank has some patching in 2 areas near the tail/rails on both top and bottom which were pretty bad, fist size holes the delivery service put in my blank. Hated to throw the foam away and the damage was placed so I wasn’t going to cut it out with any particular template so I just filled and covered it. The archives had some good info on patching foam from Jim Phillips, Herb and other contributors. I just mixed up some tinted resin in cups and a larger batch for the main color and went to work pouring colors. The notes on the board mention UV, but I catalyzed the larger volume of resin about 1/2 normal even though I was using all UV lam resin for all colors. I used the sunlight to cure the bottom with the catalyst thrown in just in case some of the more dense color pigments caused a curing problem. Tom>>> TS,>>> What a sweet board! I dig that color scheme Tom. It sort of reminds me of > a Cooperfish. How long did it take to complete it?>>> I went to your link and was impressed. Did you build that site as well? If > you did then you are one talented fellow. Nice boards on that site too – > I recognized some from the Board page.>>> Magoo

I just mixed up some tinted resin in cups and a larger batch for the main > color and went to work pouring colors. The notes on the board mention UV, > but I catalyzed the larger volume of resin about 1/2 normal even though I > was using all UV lam resin for all colors. I used the sunlight to cure the > bottom with the catalyst thrown in just in case some of the more dense > color pigments caused a curing problem. Tom, the board looks really nice, much like the cooperfish boards. I’ve been wondering how they do the artwork. Do you paint the dark colors on the plank and then laminate with a tint or do you pour on the colors after the laminating and then hotcoat/gloss or whatever? regards, Håvard