Too Many Surftechs

To the bone, soul brother Ambrose, to the absolute friggin bone…




" WHO " ARE " YOU"

…and the cheshie cat disappeared once again…

behind a thin veil of white water speckled sheet of cascading water

never to again repeated before or after from the dawn of time to the end of days.


then again mr s.a.t score man

who are the 103%tile tribe/

they dont exist?

or are they just denied ?

or perhaps conviently lumped together

along the all others line.

when the game is successfully dumbed down

what then will there be.

'respect yourself."

staples singers.

thank you mavis.


BTW, your “name photo” looks like it could have been taken anywhere from Ortega to Vicente…spent decades chasing those peaks…

Clues…there is no traffic light, so it is not Vicente, Taraval, Rivera, Pacheco, Noriega. No dune so it is north of Santiago. The last house on the left gives it away. That and the path from the lower to upper Great Highway. Looks like the intro shot to this…


...not to mention the possibility of getting malled by a bear on the walk to the shore or eatin by a shark or a killer wale while in the line up

Sorry for the hijack, but do you know if any surfer has ever been eaten by a killer whale? And just out of curiosity, if a bear was chasing you toward the water and at the same time you noticed a shark cruising the lineup, what would you do? Curious because your surfing experience seems so much different than down here where dodging pesky seagull droppings is usually the only “danger” I come across.


…not to mention the possibility of getting malled by a bear on the walk to the shore or eatin by a shark or a killer wale while in the line up

Sorry for the hijack, but do you know if any surfer has ever been eaten by a killer whale? And just out of curiosity, if a bear was chasing you toward the water and at the same time you noticed a shark cruising the lineup, what would you do? Curious because your surfing experience seems so much different than down here where dodging pesky seagull droppings is usually the only “danger” I come across.

I’ve been around bears awhile ago…I’ll take my chances on the shark attacking any day over Grizz.


BTW, your “name photo” looks like it could have been taken anywhere from Ortega to Vicente…spent decades chasing those peaks…

Clues…there is no traffic light, so it is not Vicente, Taraval, Rivera, Pacheco, Noriega. No dune so it is north of Santiago. The last house on the left gives it away. That and the path from the lower to upper Great Highway. Looks like the intro shot to this…


Dude… don’t give away the locale of our “secret spot” :wink:

aahh, OB at DOH plus - forty five minute paddleouts, fighting the rip, searching for the seam…make it almost all the way outside to have the very last wave in the set clean your clock…chasing peaks up and down the beach… tide going out pulling you south, tide filling in pushing you north…and then you get a big one deep, and after you make it and pull out, you can’t wait to get back outside for another.

Good OB and a certain walk in reef south - aside from some long time bro’s, the only things I really miss about the Bay Area.

based on my limited travel experiences

I’d rather travel (walking through airports) with a lightweight and fairly indestructable (traveling wise) but well chosen popout than I would want to sacrifice a hard to get hand made custom state of the art/piece of art to the hands of airplane baggage handlers. There are some halfway decent surftech designs out there to choose from Lynch, Merrick, and Byrne come to mind. So why go through the trouble of special packing and worrying just because you want to go on the road. Hell I’d even consider an ULI after watch Steamroller ride his ULI SUP at Bomburras and Waimea this year

Some customs can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months once you can get on the “list” so why be heart broken when you open up the bag or box.

I just came back from the mainland with a special gem that was marked fragile/topload and packed very well.

And to my horror looking out from the jet window I saw my prize come out on the luggage trolly underneath at least 10 pieces of luggage mostly 27"-29" units stuffed to capacity. When I told my brother that today he laughed and said “yea they probably did the same on all your other flights”. It all reminded me of that American Tourister Gorilla commercial…

So unless you’re shipping by special freight

you’re rolling the dice each time you take a prize possession through the luggage cycle.

hey jettyloc,

never heard of a surfer getting eatin by a by an orca, but i sure wouldnt want to take a chance, ive seen what they do to seals on “blue planet”. and i have seen them in the water- once. i was pretty scared.

i would definitely take my chances in the water over a bear though.

there are some great waves in nor cal where fresh bear s**t’s can be seen on the walk to the point, and camping on the lost coast can provide some close encounters (black bears not grizzly’s however).

wasnt there just a shark attack in SD? fatal too, i think.

the pic is a “secret spot” ha ha. there’s no waves in SF.

oh Icc the label is las olas. i will try to get ahold of you when i go back up there, maybe go surf or somethin, where did you say you were in OR? i dont know it too well, i gets pretty blurry past coos bay.

I’m not here to bash anything. I just wanted to say that I noticed a lot of surftechs when I was in Costa a few weeks ago. It wasn’t just the travelling surfers either. That means epoxy (fixing) materials will be much more prevalent down there now.

this is what the beach looked like today; 25 knot winds grooming the 6’-8’ faces. book your tickets everyone ha ha- I LOVE SPRING TIME

sorry- totally off topic :wink:


aahh, OB at DOH plus - forty five minute paddleouts, fighting the rip, searching for the seam…make it almost all the way outside to have the very last wave in the set clean your clock…chasing peaks up and down the beach… tide going out pulling you south, tide filling in pushing you north…and then you get a big one deep, and after you make it and pull out, you can’t wait to get back outside for another.

This reminds me of growing up on the Central Coast.

Ambrose. You inspire. Truly.

Harbour BB has been dead

Sways has been boring has been catty and juvenile

This thread is a jewel. Thanks all.

…if Swaylock s is boring for you is may be because you know all about surfboards or do not want to learn and share more about them

or you only want fun

or may be this is not your place

Reverb, this is not specifically to you but to the thread.

I had to drop some product off at a consignment surf shop yesterday and I noticed something interesting. Of the 300 plus used boards I couldn’t find a surftech in the whole bunch. Also when I look on craigslist, when I do see a surftech for sale its always for a top dollar price. I know the ratio of surftech to all other boards is low, but I think not seeing a used one for sale yesterday says something.

These “magic” customs everyone talks about I assume would never leave the hands of the owner, so I can only conclude magic is the exception and not the rule. Where as a surftech may never get the magic status but has consistent quality and performance where they aren’t just given up on.

I guess if I ever had to buy a custom, it would be from a shaper.manufacturer that builds the whole board and can stand behind the product and not point fingers at the glasser or blank material when the board is crap or doesn’t hold up after one surf. If custom builders would stand behind their product like surftech does it would probably help their cause also.

As far as the other brands of popouts I have seen, they seem of lower quality in shape design and overall appearance compared to surftech. Even the one’s with worshiped shapers or world champion models, the fact they aren’t a surftech quality board makes them questionable.

If the Oregon surf scene is so manly and extreme, it seems the fact that you are even in the water speaks for itself that you are a dedicated charger. I have never witnessed anyone in the water being ostracized for riding a popout. You get called out for bad behavior not for the process your board was made.

I have made peace with Surftech.My custom M13-Carver ST.

Or I should say pieces.

The Great Highway garbage cans are a great place to look for pieces of Surftechs.

I have put a few together and added lead weights,fins,mix&match,ect, custom is what you make it.

Id like a new Alfa but we have no dealers.

Shop owners are taking the low road and not getting off their arse to bring “real” boards into their shops along with pop out co’s offering them terms and two-for-one deals. Ive heard it before, “yeah I’ll take two because I’m also getting getting some Doyles, HFletchers and…” some other bullshit.

The east coast guys make kick ass boards and if they want west coast boards the shop owners, and ind customers, seek them out and aren’t afraid of shipping costs.


…if Swaylock s is boring for you is may be because you know all about surfboards or do not want to learn and share more about them

or you only want fun

or may be this is not your place

                I said that Swaylocks HAS BEEN boring, not that it is consistently boring, and that this thread is great, ie. different from the norm. I love this BB, it is just that of late (the last month) thing have not been                  at their usual level. My comment was mainly stating the fact that traffic on these three BB's has dropped off and has not been as interesting of                         late.</blockquote></div>

I don’t want to sound rude or defiant .You will find that Wayne Lynch (he told me) Tom Carroll and most surftech people (I cant call them shapers ) ride surftech regullary because they do there own feed back. I don’t like the surftech thing but it is a fact of life so what. You will also find that they do the surftech thing because they have been doing the surfboard thing for a long time and it is a form of superannuation. I look at the surftech/ china thing the same as porn, If it offends don’t do it.Or maybe we like the drama .

Why is everyone so serious?I ,like onelua have witnessed first hand,the wrath of uncaring baggage handlers!!After a visit to donald takayama’s shop to purchase a stick for a trip to costa rica in 2006,donald tried to persuade me towards a surftech.I really wanted one of his regular boards,and so purchased one anyway.Imagine my dismay upon opening my boardbag to find the damage inflicted by the careless individual!! Truth is,i wouldnt swap that board for anything,but “ouch” it hurt’s to see such a beautiful surfboard fucked up by a careless gorilla!!After twenty odd years of travel and coutless dings by uncaring baggage handlers,i’d wished the durability of a surftech had been available.It’s easy to cut down tall poppies,but durability is a concern for a travelling surfer,as is the weight issue with airline charges!!! It’s not the poor chienese we should be down on,havnt they suffered enough?Believe it or not,there’s a place for everything,and everything in it’s place!Yeah ,they are kinda corky,and yeah a little stiff,but they will get there in one piece and they wont fall victim so easily to the baggage handler!!Maybe we should wage a war against airlines who charge us for the priveledge of damaging our precious equipment??


i’d wished the durability of a surftech had been available.It’s easy to cut down tall poppies,but durability is a concern for a travelling surfer,as is the weight issue with airline charges!!! …Believe it or not,there’s a place for everything,and everything in it’s place!Yeah ,they are kinda corky,and yeah a little stiff,but they will get there in one piece and they wont fall victim so easily to the baggage handler!!Maybe we should wage a war against airlines who charge us for the priveledge of damaging our precious equipment??

A couple of things…I’ve read here there is something of an “issue” with Surftechs breaking perhaps easier than some regular boards during regular use…anybody have experiences or hear of these boards getting broken in transit? Just curious.

Airline charges: in the U.S. one major airline started charging for the first piece of luggage this week, along with other fare increases. Airline weight directly affects fuel consumption, so I don’t see this trend going away. This makes rental-on-location options more and more desireable for traveling surfers…you can see where that may lead.

And here’s a little something I’ve been pondering, as someone who is sensitive to the whole soul/craftsman/small business issue when it comes to surfboards: A “manufactured” SUP for paddling only, not wave-riding…how does that fit into this whole debate? Seems to make more sense to me at this point.
