too much catalyst

So, first post and I’ve made a huge noobie mistake. Searched the forums already as well.

So, I’m an idiot at clearly didn’t think about catalyst ratios to much. Basically I used way to much catalyst during a lamination. I’m talking about 40ml of catalyst to 600ml of resin.

At the time I thought nothing of it and lammed as usual, got everything including the laps done before it kicked.

So What i’m asking is what kind of adverse effects am I going to have?

Too much catalyst can lead to the resin becoming brittle. Not sure about the chemistry/physics behind why, but I do know that it will look discolored and looses flex.

Look for early intense yellowing, turning to light brown very quickly, unrelated to exposure to UV. The same thing happened at Hansen’s in the late '60’s, from pushing production numbers and kicking the lam’s too fast. The excess catalyst starts to oxyidize the foam. The condition is unreversible.