Tow Weight Foam Chambering with Gene Cooper



Common sense really… it’s the traditional chambering method once again , put to good use by Gene Cooper… and probably substantially cheaper than the cost of nice balsa logs for the job… although , if a stronger board is the reason , oval shaped chambers would be preferable to achieve it …not sure if it’s viable for production in numbers , but I don’t think Gene Cooper is into the numbers/el cheapo scene.

Nothing new here, before EPS became the road to super light I was chambering my team riders foam. Kurt wilson, APS rookie of the year


Have you tried chambering EPS? Or is it foam suicide?  I’ve thought about chambered #2 EPS then a veneer skin ala Timberfelx build.  Or would that end up being too light?

Greg Loehr built a board for Bruce at Ocean ave. it was a poly blank with oak veneer bagged down on it and only resin over it, Bruce surfed it for years and it held up