'Tracer Tail' -- Close ups for Greg Webber

Hey Greg,

Here are three photos in the attachments of the ‘Tracer Tail’ you wanted a little closer look at. If you want to use it or some variation of it go for it mate. I’ll consider it an honor.

The tail width on the board is 13 3/8 inches. The tips of the tail are approximately 4 1/2 " apart at the arc apex of each tip. It think the photos will make things clearer and that you’ll be able to open these attachments.

Just for the record the fin system is Future. The rail fins measure 4 7/8ths and the center measures 5 1/8 inches. The distance from the leading edge of the fin to the tips along the laminar flow line is approximately 6 inches.

The photo from the tail (004) better exposes how the central concave runs all the way through the tail of the board and facets run along the rail line with the break between the two diving into the tips of the tail. This break between the panels runs in soft S curve off the rails as the a rocker initiates.

Some notes of interest on Greg Loerh’s epoxy.

26 layers of 6 oz Fiberglass layed up with Resin Research epoxy is the same thickness as 22 layers of the same material layed up with Polyester Resin. This tells me that the resin to fiberglass ration with epoxy is much better with Greg’s stuff. I’ll make some comparisons on weigh in the near future.

The bottom of the board took 15 oz of resin/hardener mix – the deck took 18 oz. – hot coats on both sides took 6oz. respectively. So It took 45oz of material to do the board

which is 6’4"x11.5"x18.5"x13.375"x2.25"

Nose rocker is 4.25"

Tail rocker is 1.75"

Wide point is an inch foward of center.

Details, details … I do go on – in hopes of making things clear.

Back to the fin shop to make a couple more centers and rail fins from rigid epoxy/carbon/fiberglass panels.

Reports on performance to follow.

Mahalo, Rich

Nose rocker is 4.25"

Tail rocker is 1.75"

With the other specs I’da guessed more rocker all around. What is your thinking on rocker for such a board?

Hey Dave,

Here’s the way I figure it – If I want to loosen it or stiffen it the performance I can do it with the fins. The bottom configuration is intended to facilitate rail transition. Less rocker trims better so the idea is to make it go fast and still turn great by tuning it to the conditions. Fin experiments to follow with fins to suit the surfer’s fancy. Consider yourself included among the test riders. Let me know when you’ll be in town. You’re welcome to pick what ever fin combinations you want to try. I think you can see the rocker pretty well in the attached photo.

Mahalo, Rich