Does anyone use traction pads on a longboard? Seems like everyone just offers a tail patch for traction pads. An additional reason for looking at traction pads is to add color. I ordered an expoxy board but because I went with glassed on fins, I ended up with a polyester. I keep color to a minimum on epoxy boards because I am afraid of delamination. The archives indicated soggy sick grip which offers colors but looks like only with a tail piece.
Check website or… they both carry longboard pad sets. Padz might not show a “longboard” pad but they have stuff that will work.
Make your own wax and put color in it…
did you look into slip check??spray-on traction, in different colors.
Wow, it sounds like your’re a bit caught up with looks, and why glass-ons?? You may want to check out Wal-mart for a matching bodyboard to go with your board. Yea, they are cool to. Please stay out of the line-up, we’ve got enough trouble with too many kooks as it is.
I reccommend that all modern, lightly glassed longboards have deck pads. When customers try to turn them like shortboards, they stomp the things. Which makes for delams. The traction/stomp pads help. Hope that’s of use doc…
The board is a 9’2" twinzer, I went 14.6 on the nose and 2.8 on thickness. This board is based on one I had in 1992 that I broke in half and I am trying to recreate the majic. I like light thin boards and I also believe traction pads help pressure dings and delaminations. In this case they can also enhance the looks by adding color which is important out of the water particularly if your wife looks at the board. Traction pads used to all be black, now they have patterns and color. Nothing wrong with that. Getting color also helps if you don’t like the board and have to sell it. Color sells better than an all white board.
all white board, plus a traction pad that’s kinda generic… well, you can sneak a new one past the wife and lie effectively. “New board? No, honey, I just cleaned up the old one…” hope that’s of use doc…
I agree with Doc, it will definetly pospone delam’s and extend the life of your thin deck. For colored/textured material, go to this site: http://