Trash Boards

I’m digging the new board. Waves were marginal but for June on the east coast I’ll take it. Structurally it felt fine, no flex underfoot whatsoever, and felt like a regular stringered poly board. Not a big eps fan so that was something I was worried about by adding the xps stringer.  Lower volume for sure but It’s in line with the other trash board and where I want to go in the future. Felt a little sticky on turns due to single concave throughout. Normally I do single under the front foot to double/vee out the tail so it’s just a new feeling, and something ive wanted to try but have been scared to do. Figure this would be a good board to do it on since there really isn’t any loss if I don’t like it, just the cost of the resin and knockoff future boxes. Pumps down the line really well but I feel you don’t get the pivot you do with the vee. But that might change with a center fin swap. I’m excited to try it in larger, punchier surf. 

Great thread, love it when a build thread runs all the way to ride report, nice job!