The federal government upheld the Californian courts ruling that the toll road shall not be built. All you trestles locals owe the world one.
why do we owe the world one? Perhaps the world owes us one so when and if the world comes to surf here they see it as it should be. Surf it as it should be. The world did not work to Save Trestles. Grass roots orginizations, Surfrider and the Sierra Club are owed one. With thanks to the Coastal Commssion and the Commerce Secretary.
Its funny how the government never thought about putting it through Pendelton land
allways want to take from the public
Its funny how the government never thought about putting it through Pendelton landallways want to take from the public
Yeah hilarious!
USMC Pendleton land was donated to the state for the current San Onofre/Trestles park, complete with highway easement. That highway easement was the basis for the Tollroad 241 to go through there, as it will in the future as an alternative plan, or widening etc.
how many non trestles locals are members of those said organizations? I would wager a hell of a lot more have never and will never surf the spot than are locals. And people coming to surf there is now what is owed. Not saying every kook and their sister should go, I feel every surf spot is a place that your abilities should determine elligablity (there are some spots I don’t even think of surfing if I am not invited) to surf. But next time one is sitting in that crowded lineup, they should think “it sucks that all these people are here, but hey as long as they are respectful, they probably signed petitions, donated their time money, etc. to help save this place”
mark this date.
how long before the ‘they’
will take another run at it.
it aint uneasy
the real lure is the land
that the 'they want to
turn into—$—
next step - memorialize
the open space
or enumerate it
as parkland in perpetuiy.
It remains at risk.
bless the real california of
19th century inspiration.
it will never come back
after it is violated.
look everywhere else
to see the evidence.
praise and thanks
to the illuminated
and the empowered
Ambrose is right.
I’ve been active in this fight since Tom Pratt started Surfrider.
We won this battle; but the war to protect our planet from greedy developers will never be over.
Special thanks go to Robin Everette.
She’s the Energizer Bunny of Environmentalists.
I do however, feel like celebrating.
Victories like this are not seen often and prove we can win if we fight hard enough.
Thanks to everybody who signed our petitions, sent letters, sported a decal or a t-shirt or supported us in any way.
Hey Grumpy,
Nice to hear Tom Pratte’s name associated with Surfrider. Glen Henning has been doing his best over the years to take full credit for it’s genisis…
I only wish the silly man made surf reef project did not bear his name. If he had still been alive…I do not think he would have endorsed a project that was doomed to failure.
Tom was saving surf spots in Nor. Cal.(Shelter Cove)long before Surfrider got off the ground.
Hey Grumpy,
Nice to hear Tom Pratte’s name associated with Surfrider. Glen Henning has been doing his best over the years to take full credit for it’s genisis…
Reeve Woolpert is another early activist who went up against Exxon in Long Beach, or El segundo. His black hightop Chuck Taylors and shoebox of documents were classic. He kept upping the price until they caved. Reeve got he trail thu Hammond meadow and maintenance money as well. I believe Reeve was one of the originators of Surfrider
working on a figuring out how reefs do what the do and how to create them was what my Geology TA last semester was working on for his doctorate.
I remember the Hammonds trail as an issue they were involved with. My participation w/ Surfrider was limited to being a founding member at Tom’s urging and assistinng(I had the van) with the moving of their original office from Pasadena to Huntington Beach.
I was in the 7th grade when I moved to Inglewood from Chicago and down the street from the Pratte’s. He was instumental in getting me stoked on surfing…his dad would take us to 42nd st in Manhattan Beach…just down the beach from where the artificial reef was foolishly attempted.
Trestles saved
That’s great news, although I’ve never been to CA and will probably never surf Trestles - it shows what can be done.Although the pressure won’t stop.
Here in NZ some of our premium breaks and surfing localities have been/are under threat from development , either the spots themselves in danger of compromise / destruction , or the possibility of access being limited or stopped.
We all like to bitch and moan about crowds these days, and surfing going mainstream, but the flipside of it is that surfing culture can now be a political force.
where do I sign the petition to protect your NZ spots?
I’m sure the feds would never “deal”…They are embroiled in a water war on that base now where that is proving true…not only locally, but on a statewide level. Re: Trestles being saved…This is important not only for Trestles (though that is a great accomplishment), but because it prevents the precedent of using our Parks for such projects. The public doesn’t pass bond measures for parks acquisition and water projects to see them scuttled at a later date for other purposes (especially those which are privately sponsored).
Oh…and by the way Arnold stopped payment on all projects which received bond $ on Friday (Props 50, 84, etc). Hard times to come, even beyond the lack of bond money…this will make choices for the environment even tougher for policy makers, not to mention cripple the already (basically) ineffectual state and federal regulatory agencies…On a positive note, the Trestles victory proves that these battles can be won…so next time an issue comes up (and there are no lack of them…Honolua, Naples, yadayada…) it would be nice to see the ocean community step up personally and financially once again.
What is also interesting about the Trestles process is how they stopped taking electronic communications as public testimony…this is also precedent setting and quite a roadblock to public process. We are seeing this with state agencies more and more…In my opinion, while it’s been good for the enviro community to have to consolidate and think through their message (and thereby stop wasting tax dollars and donations on “sky is falling” worthless testimony), this is an unfair infringement on public process - and worthy of a battle unto itself. Any lawyers out there in the Sways community?
you guys ever notice that any newly built hiway, freeway or road extension is a TOLL ROAD?
Whats up with that?
where do I sign the petition to protect your NZ spots?
Not a direct answer to your question , but the 1st, 2nd , 4th and 8th links are good reading , for starters.
During my anti toll road volunteer time I was amazed by how many people from out of the country visited Trestles/San0 for a surf or to just check out the scene …
On just one Saturday this summer, I talked to folks from Japan, Korea, China, Ireland, Spain, Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Chile, Peru and Brazil!
It illustrates how places like this belong to the world and deserve protection for all.