whats the best way to get them? is the “fred” tool worth making?
Yes…Then round them off with a sanding screen, then 100 grit sand paper for the last pass. Doug
i made one. i didnt like it. I just use my sureform (thats all the ‘fred’ is anyways) or planer or sanding block (or all 3!)
make a fred. it’s worth it.
I like the planer.Cock the board on edge in the pocket of the shaping stand.Finish with a block and last of all screen.There are lots of different techniques.I made a fred and found it to constricting…OK for potato chips but boards are thicker nowadays.Just an opinion from an old shaper. R.B.
That fred tool thing will really limit your options on your rails. It’s like training wheels on a bike: limiting what you can do. It cuts 1 or 2 angles. You need infinite angles on the bottom part of your rail. Planer for longboards with 50 50 rails. Sanding block with 40 grit for others. Screen accordingly. The key for that crisp edge is to not touch that first band at the bottom of the rail after you cut it in. aloha, tw