I am going to shape a 6.6 from a custom 6.6P (bottom length is 6.6 and 7/8) that has a 5.5 inch standard nose rocker. I want to lower that rocker to 5 inch from clark. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where i should start lowering this new rocker. I like a slightly faster smooth entry board. -1/2 last 6inches ? last 12 inches ? 16 ? ect. thanks for your input.
I am going to shape a 6.6 from a custom 6.6P (bottom length is 6.6 and > 7/8) that has a 5.5 inch standard nose rocker. I want to lower that rocker > to 5 inch from clark. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where i > should start lowering this new rocker. I like a slightly faster smooth > entry board.>>> -1/2 last 6inches ? last 12 inches ? 16 ? ect. thanks for your input… My best guess would be to ask for - 1/2" nose and I think they will adjust the rocker from center. That seems to me like the best way to lower the entry rocker. Good luck, Scott.
the fiberglass supply co. (in the resources) has a rocker adjustment list. i would say 18"-24" back but you never know until you experiment. i did just use the 7’3" Patterson blank and it made a great board. the 6’6" P is next. let me(us)know how it worked, whatever you go with.