Twin fin - fin placement

Someone with more experience than myself correct me if I’m wrong about VEE but, my understanding is that VEE will loosen up a wider tail… Give you something to pivot/roll off of.

A lot of personal pref figures in here but I’ve built a bunch of wider tailed fish and I follow Mr Loehr’s guidance of putting a little vee in to give it some better rail to rail. Lately i.e. Been doing spiral vee. My fin setting is about 9.5 to 10.25 depending on length. Toe is usually 3/16 using a big template like the MR’s.

There are a lot of right answers based on what your ride feel needs to be. Have fun experimenting.

Thanks for help. I hadn’t even thought about cant being an issue! I was going to go with the new MR fcs 2 twins for this build so I’ll have to see what I can do about it. Maybe I’ll go with the glass ons again.

I think I’ll leave the vee alone for now too and just change a little bit at a time. The other board wasn’t too far off what I was aiming for, but there’s some room for improvement.

these are at 9 1/4" , 1/4" toe
could go back 1/4 -1/2 " as its pretty loose … but fast and fun

I always base fin placement on my rear foot position relative to the tail when I pop up. For me, my back foot lands and average of 12" form the tail.
I prefer more drive than pivot in my boards to suit my local conditions and surfing stlye so I place 5" x 5.5" twins so my back foot lands somewhere in the leading edge of the fins. So for me I place my shaper’s dot at 8" from the tail.
Of course there is some foot movement while on a wave to control the drive and pivot but I like to make sure I get a good pump and drive off the first bottom turn to set up the rest of the wave so I set the twins back a bit than most people.

if your throwing channels into the mix here would it change the positioning of the fins. Just a thought. There is heaps of good info here and thankyou for everyone who has contributed in this thread. I thinking placing the fins further back plus the channels will tighten her up nicely yet still leave that feeling of freedom that a twin gives.