Twin fin fish

i can’t decide who to order my twin fin fish from - i’ve narrowed it down to a tyler deuce, a harbour or a steve brom. who’s the best??

Rich Pavel

make your own.

yeah make your own, it’s fun…

SK you need to met your counter-part SK- Stu Kenson, makes a very groovee fish, the Pavel will take about 12 weeks, call Stu (619) 787-9325

easy choice

They are a blast, and the glassing is sweeeeet!

Clyde Beatty , Brom , Skip Frye were the winners the First Time around(70’s). Stay away from the guys who are on the Retro Glamour Wagon.

ive had 2 from larry mabile at pacific surf glass, a flat bottom ,plywood finned “retro” and a twinzer.the twinzer is the best board ive ever ridden ,hands down.skip fry recomended him .

Greg Paustch

I see nothing but awesome stuff from Larry Mabile

“Stay away from the guys who are on the Retro Glamour Wagon” Pretty sweeping statement, care to elaborate?

Retro Glam Wagon, love it, love it, love!!! the disco ball is spinning.

“Stay away from the guys who are on the Retro Glamour Wagon”>>>Pretty sweeping statement, care to elaborate? Not sure if I can pinpoint my point but I’ll take a stab: --Just a simple idea or maybe an evolving opinion. We are at a point in time where every retro board has already had a second shake.i.e. the thick and wide 80’s thruster has already come back. I’m a little suspicious of shapers who have made a career or made a following for themselves by being in the forefront of strictly popularizing older equiptment…are they doing it better than the original shapers who really DID earn a discriminating following when ALL their competitors at that time were making the same boards. I think not. However, those shapers today who have rode the Crest of retro-popularity may have done so through hard work, early positioning, and not a whole lot of competition. The shapers of Yesteryear, who are still out there, did it through the THICK of Competition. It may not be true that you are getting the best retro board just because ‘Joe Shaper’ helped popularize them again and has been shaping alot of them for the past 3 years or so… If your a Souless Whitebread Longboarder :wink: --Your Mileage May Vary.

Man, Give it up already!

I have the same decison to make and it’s between: Steve Brom, Larry Mabile, and Stu Kenson. All seem to turn out great old school style Fish. Choices, choices. Any feedback on any of these three appreciated and welcome.

see rich at the greenroom in OB.the others seem to being going with the too thick chunk retro when rich will make you a new rocker quad with modern foil—never go backwards my friend__________________*the old school or retro (Lis)fishes everyone is trying to make are fast but won’t go places the new ones will.Even Lis rides a quad fish with modern rocker and concaves and rich made him some longboards.

I’ve heard good things about Mandala…anyone have experience with Manuel’s twin-keels?