Twinzafied/supacharged my eggy twin.

You might remember this board from such threads as " The egg thread" or "Pacman ride report" but i have today added some small lead fins to it. I had a supercharged keel fish that was fast, manouverable, and the best board i've had. The small lead fins made a huge difference. I've been wanting to do this to the egg since i put keel fins on it. Will give a ride report when it gets wet, although my bigger wave board will probably get a run tomorrow, as we have swell ( not too much i hope! ).




The keels have no toe, and 6deg inserts. I put the fins ( 2 1/2 x about the same ) 1'' away from the front of the keel, with 1/4 toe and standard 5deg cant. The rear edge of the lead fin is in line with the front of the keel. Hope this makes sense.

hey , Mark , by the way ... I re-visited [as I do] your thread on eggs and came across THIS ..... 


Re: [beerfan] The egg thread, lets see them    [Posted: July 22, 2010 - 2:20pm ...]

"  I like wide, high volume boards, and i also like longer boards, so this is a bit of both. Im not a shortboarder either, so, again, this suits how i surf. This will have a single fin box, and also some boxes for keels."


[bold and italics , mine...]



  so , UMMMMM ........





 are you still going to do THAT, too , one day , you reckon ??


[ I could see this board ending up like the  "prawn' , or the 'bushfire fish'  [in terms of fin setup options ?] , if you did put in the back finbox ...]


  cheers !



Cool, want to try this fin setup on my next Mini Simmons type board, what are the advantages of overlapping the small front fins with the back fins, i notice yours are directly in line as you mentioned, just curious?

I dont know mate. My fish was supercharged. From memory 1 1/2" outboard from the main fin, the centre of the lead fin lined up with the front of the main fin, half the toe half the cant. Search my name and "supercharged keel fish" for more info. It went insane compared to just keels. I definately noticed less drag, and easier turning, more release. This time i did a bit of a compromise between superchargers and twinzers. This time i made the lead fins have more toe than the mains ( they were no toed so not hard haha ). Will update when we get some smaller waves to try it in.

good on ya mark !


so glad to see you finally DID this !!


  I can still send you two MORE  rail plugs , if you'd like to try [eg:] mini runners for the front fin[s] , plus have the option of further forward one-tabbers...


did you use blue tint / pigment for the fcs plug border ? looks good...


second question ...are the front plugs 'almost' toed-in towards the nose , or not ? [a bit hard to tell from the photos ...could you get a new shot of the WHOLE board , propped up against a wall , so I could suss the setup better , please , mate ?

   cheers ! 



yes , I ask a lot of questions ...


 [ HOW else would I ever LEARN ?! ]

Yeah i was gunna do that ben, but its a single 4oz bottom and i wasn't keen to do a 6oz patch haha.


Yep, toed toward the nose on the small fins.

Tried it this morning ( after an hour on my longboard! ) and am very happy, top speed as soon as you pop up, loose as a goose. Maybe some more raked keels will help with that, but i like the looseness. Its a bit of a puzzle for me surfing a board this short, but i really like it. I am going to do a keel fish twinzer, won't be anytime soon, but i definately want to build one. I think the round tail on this robs it of some drive, or maybe its just my ability on such a short board? Anyway, i had fun on it this morning, and i'll give it some more water time definately.


This is the second board i've added this type of setup to, and i think it definately works.

Windsurf quads are setup like this.

I think the advantage of overlap is smaller pivot arc, which for a quad is usually comprimised by having 2 point of rotation seperated by quite a distance.

hi Mark !


I'd still REALLY like you to [with two more plugs in the board] give THESE a try , too...I think when they are closer together than here on the walden , they could be really drivey , and FAST and fun !



I think if / when I put extra back plugs [for quad setup] in my orange stub , that THIS will be the first setup I'll try , having already tried them in the 6'6 walden , I'll be REALLY keen to feel the difference on a narrower , more pulled in , shorter , and slightly thinner board . I will definately need the "right" waves for that , first !


  cheers Mark !




" Me ?  I'm just a fin tinkerer .  I'm not a marine engineer , a scientist ,  a theorist , or even much of an opinion giver . 

 I just like trying stuff out , and giving stuff to OTHERS to try out , to hear their feedback , too . If , in the process ,  it works and it's fun for them ... then ...STOKED !! "

hi Mark !


do you have any more recent RIDE REPORTS , please ?


  cheers !



good one on you beerfan.

hope it works better than you expected it too.

