Two-color resin tints/pigments

Hey guys, I’ve been scouring the forum and I’m getting a lot of good information, but the one thing I’m still curious about is - when doing two separate colors on the board, does it need to be done as pigment panels after laminating or can you achieve the same effect during the lam process (ie: can you lam with opaque pigmented resin or will it always only be a tint in the lam process)? I want to have the base color wrap around to the deck with a cutlap and the deck panel a separate color, but I’m not sure if I should do tints and a reverse-cutlap or tape it off and do pigment panels to achieve the effect…

Here’s a reference photo of what I want to achieve via the Mini Simmons thread - the three boards on the right that ovglass made are in the style I want


You can get that look( 3 on the right) doing just about any method of coloring. I’m guessing the above is pigment in lam. If doing in the lam, glass bottom one color and cutlap. flip, and tape off everything except the white foam deck. lets say for example you are doing 6x6 oz on deck, then do one layer 6oz color, and cut on tapeline once gelled, then glass clear over and wrap rails. chances are, the line is not going to be perfect where the colors meet, so do a pinline like the other guy did.

good luck.

these are examples of separate resin colors in the lam

each panel is a seperate piece of cloth with colored resin in the lam

as astevens pointed out


Sweet thanks guys, thats actually exactly the part I wasn’t sure of - ken those boards look incredible! I love the half-colored deck panel on that bottom one!