two piece flex tail board

what about something like velo in the tail, but with some kind of adjustable rods or something insert in the shaping / glassing process that allowed you to extend or retract the rods into or out of the velo-like tail to increase or decrease the stiffness and change the flex pattern? I have no idea how you would do this, however… or maybe the rods or stiffeners could be deck mounted in channels that could slide forwrd or back towards the flexible tail to make its flex pattern change?

of course, my strange ideas would be one piece, not a two piece flex tail like you envision.

There is a ski from Head I think that has electric components…fibers that adapt to your riding style making the ski harder or softer… Kneissel is working on a Carver that will let you ride not only one but different arks with one ski. Don’t know how they want to do it…but they are going to release the ski next year. Hansi Hinterseer (that nobody probably knows beside some Austrian and German guys[not too many on tht board [smile]]) is already testriding it…

Oh and yeah its a flex tail thread…FP tails flex .25mm… PS dubstar has some interesting ideas…woow weird shark?

I know let’s try to make a board like kneeboarders rode over 30 yrs ago!!! fish and velo.Where were surfers 30 yrs ago???Answer--------Head up ass.They are too busy trying to be cool and look like their bro’s.Get head out of ass!!

i’m a legend in my own mind. too bad my head is so far up my own ass, you can’t hear me tell you to pull your head out of your ass. what a dilema ?

Anyone remember the Tinkler Tail?

Yeah, vaguely recall it. or, check out this little item, seen on the Pods for primates site - link below with more. Interesting site…

a quarter of a millimeter, huh, TE? Gee what an accomplishment. That’s not what the guy wanted to talk about and if you don’t know that you’re an idiot.

rsc made a really valid comment about taking design concepts to their extreme…isolate your variables and take them to ridiculous places is the fastest way to learn whats going on…rsc i have a feeling you have a bank of knowledge as a reward for exploring the boundries … regards BERT

I think RSC was just quoting from Rae’s outer islands web page. His stuff is pretty impressive, I’d like to try one of his flextail boards… but yes, isolate one variable and push it out there, thats the way to figure it out.

Outer island’s website say’s ," reseaarch done with large blocks of hash and Pure acid".Many of surfing’s brilliant moments were captured with Pure acid including mine!!! I no longer use acid but it was a great eye opener.Maybe that’s what surfing need’s, a new catalyst!!!

In answer to Foamdust…I remember the Tinkler Tail. As a matter of fact the Tinkler brothers did some R&D at my old home break back in the Fall of 1975 or thereabouts. I’m not a shaper or anything but I recall looking at what they were trying and listening to the theory behind it. I don’t know what happened to that idea or the Tinklers but I seem to recall hearing a bit more about them a few years back. I think they were in California. So, at least 28 years ago the concept was being worked on. Take care.

A good argument can be made for the observation that modern surfing does need “a new catayst”. But isnt it curious that George Greenough, the original catalytic genius behind the shortboard revolution (his philosophy, high performance surfing, fins, flex, board design and construction, filmmaking) has NEVER needed to engage in recreational drug use to achieve his inspiration and enlightenment? Those that can, do. Those that cant, often look for shortcuts.

its funny how a guy who has refused to wear shoes since he was a small child can be hailed as a genius, but then puts chafing/cutting swimfins on his feet. All is not right in that mans head.

yeah, but when you talk to him there is little bull. i have known many surfers that do things a little different but these days I see it as refreshing. When I talked to him he was a very cool normal guy really knows what he is doing right now.Maybe you should try barefoot he seems to be on to something hahaha.

Ah, RC, I don’t believe you’ve thought this through. If ya don’t wear shoes, ya get callouses on your feet. Which kinda makes chafing a non-issue. Let alone the idea that there can be comfortable fins that fit well, such as the ones GG wears. And, come to think of it, I wear too. hope that’s of use doc…

rc… Actually George carefully modifies his swim fins for comfort, as well as power and response. Note changes to both heel straps and blades. New Voit UDT fins courtesy of Greg Deets:

chaffing-cutting fin-if you’ve seen his feet you’ll know he most likely doesn’t feel any chaffing, or much else for that matter…