type of epoxy?

hey guys, I would LOVE your thoughts on what to use to laminate some ply together to form the stringer for my hollow wooden board, I have never done any epoxying before and I would also like to use the same stuff to use with carbon fibre to glass the inside skins of the board (or maybe i need two different products?), any info on what, why and how to use would be greatly appreciated, thanking you heaps in advance.


El Robbo

Hey Robbo,

What length are you building, you may not need to laminate, but by the by, I just laminated 2 pieces of ply for a skatey with epoxy and a single layer of 5oz. I put a bend in it and it hasn’t remembered that it was flat once. Used bricks to keep it in shape.

hey hicksy!

the board will be 9’6", fun cruiser mal, here’s the dimensions for your interest, 18 nose, 23 mid, 14 1/2 tail, 6 tail block.

so when i go to the fibreglass shop what exactly do i ask for re epoxy? can i use the smae stuff for the carbon fibre reinforcing on the inside of the skins?

great looking skatie by the way, go the HIXTREME!

cheers El Robbo

Yes you use the same stuff inside and out and for the gloss coat.

Not too sure where to get the stuff in Sydney though, do ma search on www.yellowpages.com.au

Can’t wait to bomb on the hiXtreme…

hey hicksy, I got a name a while ago off Platty i think of a company near me to go to called FGI (fibre glass international or industries) or something like that! I’ll go there tomoz hopefully and get epoxy and carbon fibre, I hope to lam and shape stringer on the weekend and finish the glueing form, and when I work out HOW i will get some pics on here!!! they are coming but… hey… so is christmas!!!

cheers mate

El Robbo