UK dudes, what fin systems are you using and why?

Hello, I’m just starting thinking about my 3rd board and one of the areas that i’ve not been happy with on the first two was the fin install.

The first was seabase fake fcs which i’m not a fan of due to the low quality of the plugs

The second was futures which I prefered but i’ve not got the fitting kit (or skills) so my install was sloppy

Availability seems to be a bit of an issue with probox…

So what are you using and where are you buying them from?

Hi Ryan,

I use fcs lokbox and futures. Bought fitting jigs for each years ago. Only way to go. I use each system to meet customer demand and to allow use of specific fins. For example all of the fish I make run either lokbox with speed diallers or futures with controllers. Tend to use fcs for standard quad setups or thrusters but if customer has preference for a particular suystem I’ll use thAt.

I got my Four Way Fin System stuff from a guy in Reading, not sure if he is still the distributor tho

@thirdshade I doubt i’ll make more than 2 boards a year so i’m not keen on spending the £££ on multiple install kits, if you had to pick one which would you go with?

@gadgetuk that fin system looks cool, how do you get on with it & how large are the tabs could you adapt 2nd hand fcs fins to fit in them?

Hi Ryan. I use futures, fcs & lokbox & have install kits for each but mostly for repairs on others boards. I prefer fcs plugs for my own boards. I installed the fusion boxes on the last 2 boards and am extremely happy with them, it’s an awesome set up! Slanj

hay ryan.

i also got seabase plugs first time then got some fcs plug for my next board and the quality was so much better.

go on this link n search fcs plugs. £11.95 free pnp, super fast delivery (unlike seabase) and payment by paypal. buy 2 sets and bang in a 5 fin set up and play around with different setups.

i ride uk and personally find quads better to get the most out of the conditions we more frequently get, hope this helps.

also should mention they come with foam reservoirs which make drilling and glassing allot easier, and fcs stickers. who doesnt love stickers

I’ve installed all of them, but fcs.  I like the simplicity of the probox intall and the fore/aft/cant adjustability.  Getting probox fins does seem to be an issue. fcs fit in probox quite well, however.

I haven’t done futures for quite a while and may revisit them again. Easy install.

I like lokbox mainly because I think screwing metal into metal is probably a longer lasting solution than screwing metal into plastic ie, fcs, probox, futures.However,  I don’t like how I need to really crank down on that screw to get the base to snug down to the box.

The old Bahne system may be the best of all.  Metal on metal, easy install.

Most of my boards are glass ons, though, which is what I really prefer.   Mike

I love all the adjustability, so much to play with. I have all the different angle inserts and several fin sets. You would struggle to convert FCS sets, the 4WFS fin tab is longer and wider.

i use triocean surf for fin supplies they sell fcs and gas fins systems, they also supply blanks resin and cloth so a one stop shop really as well as fcs fitting tools and jigs, ive not had any problems with  deliveries. they supply xtreme blanks which are really good, strong and white. (made in south africa)

i only fit the fcs style pole systems, i have fitted future systems and repaired boards fitted with many other makes where the system has caused more damage than you would find with a pole system, plus wherever you may go fcs style fins will always be sold where other systems may not.

I’m not in the UK but if I were going to go with one install kit, looking forward, I would go with the new FCS II kit. It will come out this summer when they launch the system. Install kit will probably be in the US$60 range (probably a bit more in the UK). The FCS II boxes fit original FCS screw-in fins and also the new screwless fins. It’s a simple single-route install and under-the-glass install (good for EPS or PU).

Missed the UK part of the original post.  Apologies for dropping in. Mike

I don't live in the UK......this stuff is fun....check out this link.......

ha ha ons are looking good today......


Thanks for all the input, both the sites suggested look usefull, I guess i’ll try a genuine FCS set on the next one and see how I get on


Cheers Ryan

As far as I’m aware Lokbox are the only people that will deal with backyarders in the UK,

futures and fcs will not supply without legitimate accounts being setup I.e. not a backyard guy.


I’d take Lokbox over the cheap fcs ‘style’ plugs anytime.

Agreed, I now only use lokbox, and rout the holes freehand… no major screw ups so far…Mick has always been super helpful, and deliveries quick, good prices too!

I’ve not come across lokbox before they look like a neet soloution where are you getting them from?

They dont look cheap to me, but i usualy buy fins 2nd hand from ebay.

The importer/distributor for UK is Mick:

Classic Surf Supply

If you drop him a line he’ll sort you out with everything - no order too small. I’d recommend this system for sure - great in EPS too. I use it loads. He also distributes Rainbow fins so you’ll have access to some fantastic products.

Cheers now


triocean surf and homeblown supply backyarders no problem both supply fcs there are others but ud have to search


I ave a repair to do, replace a fin box on a 4 way fin system (old black oval style) which I have not come across before. Anyone in the UK know where I miht get one from?