Unable to get my hands on a jug of Elmer's glue

So I need to substitute with another type of glue to get my EPS sheets glued. Has anyone had success with other types of glue? Unfortunately I can’t do the epoxy/fibreglass sandwich until I get my epoxy. I am impatient and want to get my board shaped. I found in the archives that someone used Sikaflex-291 and 3M Fast Cure 5200. Any other suggestions?

The Home Depots in my area suck!! After 3 weeks I finally found someone who carries EPS.

Maybe there is something better than Elmers?..

I’ve seen it asked here but not seen a definitive answer yet.

What about using an expanding urethane foam similar to what was posted in a picture of the s-core stringers here:

Or that the Boardlady uses for injection repair here: http://www.boardlady.com/injection.htm

Maybe if you have a vacuum pump and rocker table you could spread the stuff on the EPS sheets and put the sheets under vacuum bag on the rocker table for best results. I’ve never used the stuff so I don’t know the working time and such for an application like this.


[ 3]Anybody try this stuff yet to glue up EPS sheets to make a blank?[/][/]

I used some epoxy from a boat store to bond 2 sheets together. Just mized it up and used a small brush roller to apply it. Worked great. The epoxy came in a kit with pumps, hardener and mixing stick for about $20. Probably have enough left to do 2 or 3 more boards.

You don’t need a jug of it. I bought a 16oz bottle of the white all purpose/glue-all Elmer’s at Wal-Mart. I used about 12oz to glue my 2 6’x2’ pannles together. I rolled it on both sides and let sit about 5-10 mins to let it start hardening. I left it on my make sift rocker table (2x2s stacked at different bend points) for a week (no time to work on) and the rocker has stayed in nicely. (rocker stuck, so I am guess I had adiquate bond.)

I would think that contact cement would work as well, but I don’t no. That was what I had planned to use.

Problem solved, my buddy just found a half gallon jug of Elmer’s at Office Depot for $13.

Thanks for the suggestions!