Why is it when you wait all your surfing life to summon up the courage to order a board off of one of the best shapers that everything goes to shit and noone understands. Ordered a Wayne Lynch 7 footer no trouble (considering it took 50 phone calls to finally get hold of him) waited the prescribed 5 months to get board no problem he is a busy man with sailing and trips around the world surfing. First wave ( been ridin a mal for a while so took a bit of transition) took off late blew it foot hit rail ,ding!!! Repair ding, no problemo…
Wife decides to let 16 and high thoroughbred graze around shed where surboard rack is (!!!) Smashed rail.If you have ever seen a horse ding a board.
But how is this, One of those things,One of those things my arse.
Lets run a poll who should go to the knackery WIFE or HORSE.
You’ll probably miss your wife. Can you fit boardracks to the horse?
When it all comes down to it though, the one thing about surfboards is they are just an in-animate object. (Don’t let my wife read this post- the quiver will come under threat).
Too much emphasis on possesions in our society and not enough on people and relationships. Cherish the wife.
Why is it when you wait all your surfing life to summon up the courage to order a board off of one of the best shapers that everything goes to shit and noone understands. Ordered a Wayne Lynch 7 footer no trouble (considering it took 50 phone calls to finally get hold of him) waited the prescribed 5 months to get board no problem he is a busy man with sailing and trips around the world surfing. First wave ( been ridin a mal for a while so took a bit of transition) took off late blew it foot hit rail ,ding!!! Repair ding, no problemo…
Wife decides to let 16 and high thoroughbred graze around shed where surboard rack is (!!!) Smashed rail.If you have ever seen a horse ding a board.
But how is this, One of those things,One of those things my arse.
Lets run a poll who should go to the knackery WIFE or HORSE.
Swaylockians the final tally is up to you.
You waited 5 months for a beautiful surfboard. How long did you wait for a beautiful wife?
No its definately women and boards…seriously, I’d trust a horse.
This scenario reminds me of one with my mum when I was a kid. At age 13 I had an unglassed shape in my bedroom, my first one for a customer.
Mum, who never previously gave me any encouragement in the surfboard direction, decides while I’m not there, to show it off to a bunch of lady friends at her tea-party!!!
For $%#@ sake… the result was dinged nose, tail and rail.
Whats worse, horses or cows…
And sorry to hear of your grief Pandanus…thats the same board you mentioned keenly in a PM…
Oh and another wife scenario I encountered in relation to surfboards…the ugliest dings I’ve ever seen…
A guy once brought two boards into the lam shop where I shaped. They were nearly new, a lovely McTavish and a Surfboards Hawaii.
The guys missus had taken to them with a sledgehammer!!! And I mean, like she was psychotic! Some of the bashes caused a bulge on the other side…I don’t think she spared a six-inch square section.
My man the lam shop owner offered to make him new boards for less than the price of the repair, then politely declined the work of the repair…it seriously was’nt worth it, like how much Q-cell can you squeeze into a board!!!
To me it must have been the dudes bad Karma…and I shiver to speculate what he did to drive the poor missus to that frenzied vengeance. Maybe he went surfing on the wedding anniversary!
“Women. Ya can’t live with 'em, and ya can’t leave 'em by the side of the road” -Steven Wright.
A similar tale:
A friend went for a surf and left his longboard under his car to keep it out of the Sun.
Board was deck up, nose forward. His GF was with him, and she just sat in the car.
She decides to make a run for food, figuring he’ll be hungry when he gets out. She backed the car up, and heard this crunching noise. Since the board was resting on the fin, it was
just tall enough to allow the rear axle assembly to make contact. Crushed the deck and caved in the fin box. New board.
Thats very sad about the board, its just a board but at the same time, its a more than an inanimate object. Ive spoken to my wife and she wont even touch one in case she dings it. And I dont touch her porcelain figurines either.
My vote, Keep the horse…
it’ll wait outside the pub every night till 3am
it’ll give you a lift home and not nag you
it’ll drop you off for a surf at 5am,
‘bride’ and ‘bridle’ are close,
you can steal its blanket at night without a fight,
theyve got pretty brown eyes and fetching fetlocks.
Anyone got a spare copy of Equus ?
Women, can live with them, cant herd them all into the sea…