Update From Boats In The Metawais

Here is a update I received from a surf charter I have used to go to the Metawais.

**Padang, Indonesia Earthquake update**

**Monday, October 5, 2010** As of today all of our Mentawai Islands live-aboard vessels based out of Padang, Indonesia have checked in SAFELY. All Wavehunters clients and other guests and crew onboard are SAFE. All vessels were in the islands and not Padang itself at the time of the earthquake and its passengers did not experience any effects from the quake. Here is an update on the whereabouts of each vessel and a detailed report from the yacht NUSANTARA below relating to the damage in Padang from the earthquake. For further updates on this humanitarian disaster please see www.surfaidinternational.org. 

The 7.6 magnitude earthquake occurred just after 5 p.m. local time on Sept. 30.

**Whereabouts of Wavehunters vessels and personnel relative to the time of the earthquake as follows:**

**NUSANTARA:**: Departed port of Padang 1 night BEFORE the earthquake for the Mentawai Islands. ALL OK. Wavehunters passengers are at the islands on surf charter through Oct 10.

ADDICTION: Returned to port of Padang the morning AFTER the quake. All guests okay and have already left Padang for home.

**TENGIRRI: **Returned to port of Padang the morning AFTER the quake. All guests okay and have already left Padang for home.

BINTANG: At Mentawai Islands on charter Sep 24-Oct 6

NAVISTAR: At Mentawai Islands on charter Sep 24-Oct 6


Thanks lippy,
got the email forwarded from Nicole. I don’t know how Eric will
be able to get restocked and back out, but he knows how to
work Padang. Looking forward to hearing the story…
My buds & I sent off checks to surfaid, suggest that all who read
this do the same, these people need our help and these waves
are a world treasure!