US Blanks Mini Simmons what do you suggest?

What are you guy using to shape Mini Simmons in the 5’0" to 6’0" range? I like US Blanks. Intersted in your opinions.

I have used the 6-2 fish blank.  I could only get about 22 1/2 inches width from it.  What about the Pavel 6-8 and plane away? Or the 7-3 egg blank that looks like the old Clark 7-3 Becker. Geez, Mr. Clean, why am I giving ideas to you?  Should be the other way around!!!  Mike

I shaped one around 5’10".I used and 8’9"Y blank. It was pretty fat and thick with an extreme step deck. I am old school and used to having to do a lot of foiling and carving on blanks. I am always looking for input though.That’s the beauty of Swaylocks.

I did a 5’5" from a 6’8" RP, worked well.


6’10A & 7’3A look good to cut down. Maybe the 6’5A for a small one. Most of the smaller fish blanks have too much rocker and thin tails - might be hard to get what you want out of it unless its for a real small board or if you get them to adjust the rocker for you…

how is your pig project coming? i just ordered a 9’9 with 3/8" cedar stringer from us blanks - lowered nose rocker and kicked tail rocker - for a 9’0 I am going to do for myself. I have made a couple for the surf station lately and they have been hard to part with…

It seems the 68rp has width and thickness to spare. I just ordered one in yellow foam with -1/2" rocker from center on both ends. This gets the bottom rocker pretty close to the rocker shot in the Hydronamica brochure with lots of volume left. The smaller fish blanks seem to end up with to much rocker, or you need to thin them down to much to loer the rocker.