Hi I’am a “backyard” board builder, I build approx 5 boards a year for myself and my kids. Up until now I have always used polyester resin with traditional catalist. Recently I heard about the use of uv cured resin in the laminating stage of board construction, does anyone have experience using this product?
Hi I’am a “backyard” board builder, I build approx 5 boards a > year for myself and my kids. Up until now I have always used polyester > resin with traditional catalist. Recently I heard about the use of uv > cured resin in the laminating stage of board construction, does anyone > have experience using this product? You are on the right track with the UV resin, for the unexperienced it is the answere. You have all the time in the world to get the lamination the way you want it. Then presto, just add UV and it sets up in a matter of moments and I mean moments. I’ve watched Brian Syzmansky at Eberly’s finish both sides of a board in less than a half hour.He does him lam, walks the board out side, hold the bottom to the sun for a short period of time, flips it over so the rails can be cured, its done. Now I don’t know what the long term effects of a quick cure will have on the life time of a board, but in this day of disposible boards???
You are on the right track with the UV resin, for the unexperienced it is > the answere. You have all the time in the world to get the lamination the > way you want it. Then presto, just add UV and it sets up in a matter of > moments and I mean moments. I’ve watched Brian Syzmansky at Eberly’s > finish both sides of a board in less than a half hour.He does him lam, > walks the board out side, hold the bottom to the sun for a short period of > time, flips it over so the rails can be cured, its done. Now I don’t know > what the long term effects of a quick cure will have on the life time of a > board, but in this day of disposible boards??? As long as we are disscusing uv cured resin what about uv cured epoxy? The supplier of this product claims epoxy is 40% stronger than poly, is this true? What are the down-sides to working with epoxy? If epoxy is 40% stronger, then can I use 4oz. cloth on my next longboard instead of 6 oz. without sacrificing strength?
Even Epoxy resins are only a glue to adhere the glass to the surface.The true strenght is in the glass, all of the long boards that I have done with 4oz. bottoms have snapped. My last “majic” longboard, with a double 4oz. bottom, buckled after a duck dive on a double up. It had 2-3/16" basswoods and 4-1/16th redwoods. The epoxy resin is stronger than poly, but resin alone won’t prevent breakage. The epoxy molecules fit the receptor sites in redblood cells and can bind with living cells. It has little or no smell, so it seems so innocuous.