vac pump

i dont no anything about vac pumps . but i was givin this baby the other day. still trying to figure out what the oil canasters are for? is it very expensive to set up for vac bagging?

great writeup to understanding vac pumps. for any other beginners

looks to me… that the left canister is the “in” side, where the vacuum is; the center is an oil feeder to the motor bearing or some other rotating part, and the right canister is a filter on the exhaust side.

But I’ve not seen this before, nor seen it run. Just run it, briefly, and you’ll find out what’s going on. Ask whoever you got it from, what the canisters are for.

I think the top cylinder is a bleeder with a particle collector. It is most likely on the vac line outlet to allow adjustment. The other jars are residue collectors to keep particles out of the vanes and/or collect oil sputter.

Looks like a good pump, give it a whirl, see what it does…