vacuum bag hybrid project *PIC*

my corecel xps/eps hybrid sandwich is finally complete and received some initial testing the majority of the construction has been described in detail in the link below what i’ve done is re-create a tweaked version of my professionally built hybrid using sailboard building vacuum bag techniques and some of my own techniques too. a custom job was required on the professionally built hybrid coz - its 6’ 9" length and 20" width place it in the big boys board category - i am a small man so wide tailed big boy’s board doesn’t work for me ie a narrow tailed, wide nosed hybrid rockered ultra domed deck board could not be found off the rack the patchy brown board is the vacuum project the red board is the original hybrid design which is shown being ridden under Bert’s front v rear foot thread

I reverse engineered the rocker out of my 6’ 9" by wedging it on the straight edge of my bed and measuring it every foot or so. by going thru the foameze blank catalog i figured out the shaper had used the 6’ 11" R hybrid blank and cut more off the nose than the tail. i suppose would have been easier to telephone him, but more fun and informative this way

re-created same rocker dimensions using my own curves formed from a piece of bendy plastic from home depot

hot wired a combination of eps (on the hull side) and xps (on the deck side) from templates

vacuum bagging corecel sandwich this is the final stage - initial lams was done with board weighted down on a rocker table - it has not stringer

after all bagging but before hot coating - corecel is vanilla colour

i fitted a sailboard drain plug, i have found that the blue xps is water resistant, on other projects i have found that my awful glassing when combined with eps to take on lots of water - but actually the vacuum process seems to improve my glassing i do not have the cobra factories specialist heat molding equipment to wrap the corecel around the rails, so i didn’t wrap them - you can see where the deck surface ends - 4 layers of glass on the rails compensates from the lack of corecel reinforcement

i did not hot coat this board - instead i bogged it like what the sailboard builders do - except i chose to use dark brown phenolic microballoons for ease of sanding - a gave it mornings worth of wet sanding by hand with a block

one barrel of the double concave - a few mils deep, about as aggressive as i believe can work, beyond that i think it will suck water and slow the board down - my original hybrid is double concaved

the result is ugly but testing it is fun coz the lokbox fins allow adjustability and i’ve skewed them. i’ve put a slight twist in the end of the tail. the tail outline is asymetric, sort of half a swallow half a rounded pin and i’ve skewed the stringer line to allow the left side fin to sit closer to the stringer line than the right side - it is meant for rt pt waves only - very little on this board is straight

The birth of the Bedroom Board…Amazing Michael. Can’t wait to try one at SA '04…

what’s impressive is that you’ve been able to keep your interior of your house clean.

Is it only me or is surfline constantly down? I can’t see the pictures [frown](

working now…I need to anonymizice my IP to access surfline!!! This other pornsite is also blocking me…strange…

Mr Jones - Again, I am blown away with the ingenuity it takes to build a board the way you do it!

Awesome man… this should be archived where it’s easily accessible so that people can see how you vacuum bag these. sweet, sweet.

Mr.J: Thanks for sharing… You’re inspiring more than anyone has said…

More like scaring the shit out oFF! know, now you can buy blanks with any type of stringer perfectly preshaped…buy the blank buy the vacume kit build your own SB in a day however complex the shape…for under US$300…no shaping required… Homies are doing it for themselves !! I wonder how long its going to take, for a Home vacume board building kit to hit the shelves?

hello guys, I used it today Lee, been fiddling with the fins, sent you a mail on your rail theory John, i’ll post more on those subjects later this week. Paul I have spent a lot of time browsing your website and been following the progress of your frozen fish

A comendation from the guild is in order…Mr. Jones You comensurately Know what’s going on …and somthing is happening … ambrose in awe…of course it works well