I need help with putting together a vacuum pump system for use of ding repair, delams etc I don’t plan on using it for epoxy boards just teccel, or rhino, bennett foam. I will not be using it for total board rebuild, just repairs so i’m not sure as far as how much suction i need, so how can i put one together for cheap, and how?-josh
5 min epoxy and a vacuum cleaner
mwhaaaa haaahaa haaaa
only thing though is im not using epoxy im using silmar styrene based resin, anyone with ideas to help with building a vacuum pump?
There are several diagrams in the archives. Cheapest is going to be a salvaged refridgerator compressor. go to “joewoodworker.com” for some guidance. THe one there is pretty complicated, but you can just build the essentials. For dings on a completed board with quick catilized resin, I’ll bet you could get away with just the pump and a cheap piece of plastic with tape sealant.
Also check “theboardlady.com” (or something like that). She shows ding repairs using vac.
Good luck.
you dont need to use poly to repair a poly board delam
in fact epoxy has a far superior secondary bonding properties
something like a delam. epoxy would be the perfect thing imo
5 min epoxy would be fast !!