Hi there, Click the link below, there’s another vector graphic illustration. To view the page, you must have a macromedia flash 5.0 installed. The shape is drawn from CAD and then imported into Illustrator , rescale to fit the deck surface ( since you wont stick the rice paper on the rail, just a few cm away from it). Its a 1:1 scale that you can print directly on the rice paper. Try to point your mouse into the graphic and right click the mouse. Choose “zoom in” to enlarge it. You may find there’s no blur/coarse pixel. Recall that blur/coarse pixel are the major factor causing bleeding. In designing logo with bitmap base software, maximize the resolution of the design is one of the way to minimize blur/coarse pixel. The result is a giantic file size that will crash your computer. My design is just 150kb large that I m sure 99% of your computer can handle the processing. Next, go to http://www.sunriseprinting.com.hk/surf/board02.html, be patient to download the page, the 520kb file includes a bitmap image that needs few minutes to get it. The original design is done by Illustrator then convert to bitmap/jpeg format. Try to point the mouse to the board and right click it, choose “zoom in”. Now you can see how big the differences are. Have a happy boardbuilding weekend. Regards, Crabie http://www.sunriseprinting.com.hk/surf/board01.html
Sorry guys… http://www.sunriseprinting.com.hk/surf/board01.html → vector graphic http://www.sunriseprinting.com.hk/surf/board02.html → bitmap graphic Regards, Crabie http://www.sunriseprinting.com.hk/surf/board01.html