Velzy Gift Board

Now I usually take in boards in need of new homes especially boards that have seen better days. I cut some of them down to make into skimboards, paipos, or hard bodyboards.

The latest board I am picking up today is a Velzy board. I have a feeling this is more of keeper than one that should be cut down. I would like to restore this one so if anyone has anymore information about this board I’d greatly appreciate it. If anyone knows how much this board is worth I would appreciate that information too…and fyi i’m not planning on selling this board on ebay or anything like that. I would just like some more history on this board as it looks a lot older than any of the other boards i’ve worked with.

That “Surfboard of Champions” logo was extremely rare and only in use for a very short time… definitely don’t cut it down or anything.


If he doesn’t answer here by tomorrow, email surfore(ampersand)yahoo(dot)com He’ll be able to tell you the whole story, he worked with Velzy for 10+ years…


I thought the Velzy “Surfboard of Champions” was the popout label. No?

After picking up the board and doing a quick inspection it looks to be a pop out board. I’m going to clean it up a little bit more and take better pictures.

There is some writing on the Fin w/ a woman’s name and then it says Honolulu with some numbers. I’ll get better pictures and measurements. Thanks for all the help guys. I won’t be cutting this one down.

It’s a popout. Mid 60s vintage. Not worth a hell of a lot. Might be able to sell it to some yuppie kook. I’ve seen lots of junk popouts on Ebay for nonsensical prices. Many of them are Keokis where the seller thinks it’s a “rare” board made in HI. Suckers!

Anyway, it’s in pretty good shape for a popout. Not as brown as most from that era.

Does anyone know how Dale Velzy was affiliated with this label? Any information would be great. Did he own the label or did someone grab his name and use it?

Thanks for the help

I’ve got one of these hanging on the wall. Mine is really thick (and really tanned). When I got it it was covered with housepaint. Found in a barn in Oklahoma.

Heard the same story twice; once from Velzy himself and it seems like he made a reference to it in one of the interveiws he did over the years. There was a period of time when he wasn’t supposed to be in business due to IRS issues. The “Surfboard of Champions” and “Bohemian” were a couple of brands that were done around that time. I can’t remember which one but he got burned on one of those deals and never collected for the boards. I don’t remember the exact details, but it came from the “Horses’ mouth” as they say.