I recently aquired this 7’0" Liddle Hull. It looks to be from mid to late seventies. It bears the markings: 7-0(length) .6.4.(glass job), 3316 (serial number),It has had two ofishl side fin boxes installed sometime in its history. I am assuming sometime in the 80’s. The fin that came with it looks to be the original flex fin. The color work looks to be original as well as the blue bottom was done in the lam coat. I am in the process of patching up the few rail dings and getting ready to see how she goes. It looks like a ripper!! Any thoughts on how the new ones compare to the old ones ?
Merry Christmas to you!
are those side fin boxes pointing away from the nose?
never mind
They run parallel to the center box.
From another thread we saw the original order form for board #1904 was from 1978. My board from 2006 was #4199.
My guess would be from the mid to late 80’s. I bet the side boxes were original.
Ok here’s the Info I have to help with dating your board. My Father purchased an 8’0" in 1985 about mid year. It is #3351.
Dirt pointed out to me that Greg went to white Fins Unlimited boxes in the 1980’s and O’Fishl fins began being used in the late to mid 80’s so I’d peg that board in 1985.
In 1990 when Greg wound things down most of the boards were numbered in the 3900 to 4000 range. (I have 3 in that range, he was even dating them on the boards then).
Once he started shaping in Kauai the serial #s begin with a K.
He did have a series that began with the letter X ie: X3100, these I’ve been told were shop boards. The regular numbers were for clients I believe.
KP any more info?
Hope this helps
Looks a lot like a red, white and black on one I picked up a few years back. Real fun at beach breaks.
Hmmm… Now I really wonder when my new old board is from (no number - black fin box).
Ya know, I did buy a black fin box from GL during the shop closure, so hard to say.
Didn’t KP say he remembered that board??
Not really. He just said it looks like Greg’s Rincon template.
The info on the Blue board sounds right. Im sure that 7’0’’ that Jim scored is one of Gregs personal boards. Its hard to tell because his boards were all the same with small changes but no numbers , thats his. IMO. Jim send a pic to GL and ask him to confirm. All Hulloholics have a great Hollowday Im up at Shaverlake havin a white Christmas 2 new ft of nice Powder
I send GL an email. KP, I hope you get some smooth rides.
Igualmente … Merry Christmas to all, and special thanks to the hull guys here who’ve kept this thread active for over 2 yrs now…
Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo!!
I think we derailed this thread… Sorry RadRob.
Congrats on your old Liddle. Nice score.
Wow…Thats pretty cool
You should catergorzie that info somehow, serious…
I live in the land of mostly beach break so I never got into the Hull thing, although I would like to try an original Liddle sometime.
Rob after lookin at that pic for a bit I kinda remember that board, I used to work ,at Gregs shop in Agoura on Wed. in the summer so he could catch up. He used those side runners O-fishal ? sp … for a while, nice find. Then again I think I remember every board so who knows?