Vintage Barnfield 1975 Green Lightning Bolt

Aloha Herb and others

I finally got that Green Bolt all restored. Thought you guys might like to see it.

Sorry to hear about your friend Bob, Herb. Seems too many old friends keep disappearing these days.

Thanks for the invite to visit. I will let you know if I am in the area someday.

thats incredible… any chance of getting a few close up shots of the tail and wings??

looks amazing…

thanks for sharing.

Im stoked that someone like me who is just starting their 3rd board can hold conversations with the seminal masters in the industry who where creating the sport that we now enjoy… it blows me away that I can watch the surf movies of that time and then come here or travel around the net and talk to those amazing surfers and shapers to learn more about who they are and what they do.

thanks for comming and sharing!

Next time your in Australia and want to surf Bells I have a free room and a cold beer waiting.


Thanks Bill,

That board came out nice ! Good work !

Because of curtain conditions ,I have been spending as much time as I can with my family these days.I’m still working as a licenced nurse in home and will continue to do so until I can no longer function at my tasks anymore…my last stand…I guess ?

I am Lucky to have such a loving family,two daughters/wife.

I’ve lived a half century.That’s longer than alot of people got in life and I am truly greatful for these years.

I’m hoping for the best of the Best,and a better year in 2007 for all.

THANK YOU Bill, for being so kind to me…you’ll never know what it means to such a small church like me,to be acknowleged by a great cathedral like you.

I wish you all the best my friend.Herb


Beautiful board.

It reminds me of my first 7’8" gun.

This board was magic, it rode better than my current 8’.

I rode and loved this board to pieces.

Been meaning to put it back together.

Any one have some info on the make or date of this board?

Their is no writing on it, just a nice opaque tint and pin lines.

Some tips on matching the tint would be appreciated.

Please excuse the bad art on the bottom and missing the fin

(I was a teenager back then).

I still have the fin on another board.




thats incredible… any chance of getting a few close up shots of the tail and wings??

looks amazing…

thanks for sharing.

Aloha riffraff

Your welcome and sure… I will post more photos.

Im stoked that someone like me who is just starting their 3rd board can hold conversations with the seminal masters in the industry who where creating the sport that we now enjoy… it blows me away that I can watch the surf movies of that time and then come here or travel around the net and talk to those amazing surfers and shapers to learn more about who they are and what they do.

thanks for comming and sharing!

Next time your in Australia and want to surf Bells I have a free room and a cold beer waiting.


I am touched by your kind words and am happy to drop in here at Swaylocks when I can. I understand your comments I think, as I still remember meeting people I respected and when they treated me with respect it really meant something. I try to make that moment special for both.

Here are your requested photos

[=Blue]Hmmmm Photos aren’t printing!

I will try again

[=Blue]Sorry guys

I can’t get the photos to post. They show in Preview but won’t print when posted.

I will try again later

yeah… dont kill yourself over it…

Appreciate the effort.



Thanks Bill,

That board came out nice ! Good work !

Because of curtain conditions ,I have been spending as much time as I can with my family these days.I’m still working as a licenced nurse in home and will continue to do so until I can no longer function at my tasks anymore…my last stand…I guess ?

I am Lucky to have such a loving family,two daughters/wife.

I’ve lived a half century.That’s longer than alot of people got in life and I am truly greatful for these years.

I’m hoping for the best of the Best,and a better year in 2007 for all.

Aloha Herb

My prayers are with you and your family.

THANK YOU Bill, for being so kind to me…you’ll never know what it means to such a small church like me,to be acknowleged by a great cathedral like you.

I wish you all the best my friend.Herb

You are soooo welcome Herb.

On a lighter note, I another Salton Sea story.

As most know the Salton Sea is very salty. And on the windward shore the very salty waves lap onto the beach. Depending on the strength of the winds these waves will carry several yards up the beach. But the beach really isn’t sand like a real ocean beach or even a river. Since the SS is an artifical sea (in its recent incarnation) the beach is just dirt and then mud when it gets wet.

But… once that mud begins to dry… which is does easily in the 100+ degree weather of the desert, it begins to shrink, crack and curl up in a very crystline, crispy way. So much so that sometimes it is hard to even walk on it.

So on this particular day, we had been skiing all morning till the wind came up and we stopped to watch everyone else who were still skiing. As most know, after a good run, it is a cool move to be whipped out toward the beach where you can ski right up to a few feet from the beach, do a hard turn and come to a dead stop in shallow water… at which point you cooly step out of the ski boot and slickly grap the ski under your arm as you walk the few steps out of the water onto the beach. And everyone ooohs and ahhhs!

So… here comes this guy… showing off for all he is worth… looking very cool… hauling ass into the beach at full speed! We are all sitting around in our lawn chairs at the waters ege, watching the show and being very impressed with his agressive approach which should culminate in a huge spray and quick stop…

But… For some reason, (he isn’t really that good of a skier) he can’t turn like he needs to be able to. So… here he comes at about 30 mph right into the shallows, right up the beach as we all dive out of our chairs to make way for him… and… as his ski comes to a dead stop on the gnarly salt encrusted, crispy hard beach, he ejects out of the boots and does a totally clean face plant right into that gnarly textured beach and then slides about 15 feet before grinding to a stop!

It was a priceless moment…

Sadly for the guy… Imagine the zillions of small cuts and abrasions packed full of dirty salt. And then having to jump into that salty water to rinse it all out before heading to the hospitol!

The price we pay for fame!

Hi Bill , that’s a very nice looking board, the last guy to shape a board for me , before I started doing my own , was Reno, at Geoff McCoy’s.I was learning in the bay next to him and it was a trip for me.I remember seeing a photo shoot in, I think surfing world and it had all the guys quivers. Phill Byrne was the only Australian guy, who had boards in it and I’m pretty sure it was pre Tom Caroll, yea 3 or 4 years before ,anyway although Phill has become one of the best shapers in the world, Mate the difference, looking from the nose [how all the quivers were] Phill’s looked rough and I think it was yours and Tom Parish’s that were the others, anyway they were the goods back then and everyone knew it. You bring a certain kind of peace to this site and I dig it, cheers H

Thank you Harris

That was a great story! Critta Byrne, Phil’s Brother, was one of my team riders why back then. Phil and I are good friends and you are right. He is a world class shaper now and has been for awhile.

I love hearing these stories, not because I am sometimes in them, (which of course is very nice) but because I like hearing how certain moments in time get fixed in peoples memories and then how those impact where people go and what they achieve. It is really cool how each generations stuff, overlaps the next, and so on. Looking back, I have my own moments of inspiration driven by people and events. And it is always interesting how these things eventually merge here and there in a way the forms the fabric of our sport, industry and lifestyle.

Thanks for weaving in a few more threads Harris.

THANKYOU Bill, The only reason I got sucked into this site was to defend my wing fin, which is silly in it self as a reason, but I’m not really a computer guy, just getting to an old guy , now I guess. I have got on this thing after a few beers and maybe over defended, f;ck we are products of our society and if you can lift, we bloody well do, don’t we. I apoligize for using the word seppo, but honestly, you should hear what we call one another, and seppo does not have derogatry meaning for us, it’s just rhyming slang , anyway it’s a kick for me, Bill to converse with you. I shaped Ronnie Burn’s first thruster in his Dad’s mates bay, by the water, on the North Shore, now your talking rough, he won a contest in Brazil on it. I saw Michael, just last year after his kids had done well in the Bells world Juniors, he rang me, bloody big shock. We went down the local club for a few beers. Apparently, he then went to chappoo and went, nice for the sponsers, how do you get sponsers at 50 plus, cheers. H


That is the stuff of many of our childhood dreams right there…

BTW I believe an orange version is hanging in a bar in Cape Town…

Aloha Dave

One in Cape Town? It would be cool to see photos and hear the story of how it got there. Anyone in Cape Town on the Forum that could check it out?

Aloha Harris

Regardless of the reason, I am glad you are participating here. The more the better as it brings balance to the form.

I don’t get to check out all the threads here so I may have missed the issues regarding your wing fin. I will try to check it out.

Boscoe along with Jack Reeves glassed my boards after I had closed down my backyard shop and was building ProGlass here in Haleiwa. Boscoe was a good friend from way back in the Hobie days. As were his sons Ronnie and Christian. I was there at the motorcycle park, when we told Boscoe that we had found Ronnie and he wasn’t alive. It was a horrible moment! Ronnie was a great kid and it was special watching him grow up and make his mark in surfing. Christian was a very talented bicycle rider and I would often take him with me to bike races around the islands with my daughters as they were all about the same age.

Powerful memories there for sure… mostly sweet…but a few heartwrenching.

Ive got family all over capetown (was borne in Jo-burg but started school there)

What bar is it?

as it happens my father in law bar tends as a retirement job… he would probably know it… capetown aint that big…


Very nice board Bill. Too bad Lightning Bolt ended up how it did. It was like THE board to have in the 70s. Wings…I remember the first one I ever saw was a Harold Iggy shaped wing swallow. Gosh it looked so…modern and cool, like this was the ultimate shape. I really wished I was more interested in shaping back then, other than the couple of dogs I shaped in high school, I did’nt get serious about it until I was like 35. Harold used to shape in the back room of the shop he had in Pearl City (a converted mom and pop store) and would let anyone who wanted to watch. I sat in once, but at the time felt it was too over my head…let the pros do it. Looking back, I could have learned so much. I think it was Eric Arakawa who showed some interest, as he cites Harold as an inspiration. Very nice restoration job. Aloha.


Aloha Derek

Cool story about Harold. I remember when he moved back here and opened the “Surfboard Shaping Company” in Pearl City at the place you mentioned.

Harold is a good friend and a wonderful man. He probably knows more than most would ever imagine. I think it was from him that I learned about cutting outllines with a long router bit. That single tip saved me hundreds of hours when shaping my production boards for Japan.

Eric is an awesome craftsman. If it was from Harold… he leaned well.

Ok Harris

I went back and tried to read the Red Tip Fin thread, but I got a headache and had to take a break!! HA!

Some interesting stuff there. By the way, I totally understood your simple discription of why you made the fin and how you expected it to work.

Howzit Biil,

I saw it in a small beach front bar/snack bar in Muizenberg, on the wall amongst a bunch of Whitmores. I think the place is called Great Blue or the like, and the owner surfs. With a bit of luck I should be back down there in April and I’ll definetly have a look see!