volan cloth epoxy resin

Has anyone out there used volan glass with epoxy resin? What was the results?

Has anyone out there used volan glass with epoxy resin? What was the > results? 10 or 8 oz silene cloth would be better because you don’t need to tape it off for your cut line. I did a opaque epoxy fish with volan and it was a real bitch of a time cutting it because if you wait till it’s hard you can’t cut it and it’s a real mess cutting before the epoxy sets up too much. Maybe somebody else has had better luck. I only tried it once and it was enuff.

Another thing, It takes extra time for the glass to adsorb the epoxy resin, I found that by heating the resin a little this problem was solved. The viscosity is less when a vacuum back is used, I think because theres less resin in the skin, I had no problem cutting the laps. The time frame I used for this was 4 hours. Good luck, Peter Rijk

Has anyone out there used volan glass with epoxy resin? What was the > results? I have had three boards glassed in this manner.On paper it sounds good-read that strong, light and durable.Well,they are strong and light.However, the resin continues to cureand cure and cure, resulting in the glass really sucking onto the stringer creating a indent o0r crease all the way down the stringer.Finally,for whatever reason they have all severely blistered rendering them unrideable.