Walden Stealth-geo

thanks for that input Lee,

Rich HaRbour at last cerritos said boards color affects the ride as much as its outline . . . .

What’s funny is . . .

the Stealth Geo cannot be tracked on GPS!!! So you don’t know the speed of it!!!

The Stealth Geo is the world’s first operational surfboard that was designed to exploit low observable stealth technology. The Geo’s debut in 1982, but was kept secret. The Walden black ops surf team only would surf it at dawn or at twighlight, thus minimizing the threat of discovery by the public. The sharp angles break up radar beams and prevent their reflection, thus revealing important details such as direction, spot on the wave and most importantly, the board’s Velocity.

Capable of carrying up to 400 lbs of payload, with a variety of weapons, such as leashes, shouts, and it is capable of pumps. Equipped with three fins for maneuverabiliy in the standard 2+1 arrangement, it is capable of round the clock wave bombardment.

The heart of the Geo is its Ryder system. Its main cpu’s architechure is patterned after human gray matter, and allows it to fly even though it is not hydronamic through many constant calculations of fins and foil adjustments during flight.

The only time a Geo has been spotted was by a USO (unknown surfing object). The Geo pilot said he saw something large and fast approach, its pilot wearing a neon orange flightsuit of bygone days of Michael Jackson, Ronald Reagan, where’s the beef, the Ramones, Rocky, Karate Kid, head bands, half shirts, ray bans and stunna shades, legwarmers, tiger polos, break dancing, eras. The Geo was tagged with a GPS transmitter so they could track it.

They should be glassing those in carbon.

Lee it’s not the straight bits that are the problem it’s the bumps in between them, which will slow the board down any time that the water is flowing around them… . . . . . but then again maybe a permanent brake is what they are after. . . . don’t want to outrun the curl, and after all, noseriders are slowboards.

Perhaps ‘stealth’ refers to kind of creeping along ?


yuk yuk


I’m pretty sure Steve’s goal was not to impress you with the brillience of this design…

LOL That’s lucky because if he had been it wouldn’t have worked :slight_smile:


poo-pooing Walden’s Stealth based on seeing a single jpeg of it isn’t very free thinking.

Guess what Lol I have to disagree with that as well, free thinking means that one can think whatever one chooses to, not just think as Mr Kendall says


I’ve spent time talking to Steve about how he came up with this board. That’s why I jumped in. Roy… you’re right about the concept being lifted from the Stealth aircraft. So what? Steve was looking at all the military propoganda that was out

ROFL stop it I’m cracking up


He’s doing what he can to look outside the box.

But he wound up making a board that looks like a box !


Don’t hate Steve just because he’s on the tree.

Hate Steve? Not likely, I don’t hate anyone, and I like trees

The whole surf industry makes me laugh, I like it.

A fun thread ? :slight_smile:


Guess what Lol I have to disagree with that as well, free thinking means that one can think whatever one chooses to, not just think as Mr Kendall says

No… to be truely free, you have to think exactly like me ; )

“The whole surf industry makes me laugh. I like it.”

Hall of Fame quote.

(deleted rant about surf moguls and vampirism)

I think Lee gets to the core of the theory here .I have a hazy memory of Tom Morey years ago talking about board theory and advocating that curves were not the idle and sharp edges would be better .Ideally the rail would compose of lots of edges,maybe up to a hundred,breaking up the rail line .He added this would be a glasses nightmare and finacially crippling which is why it was not explored.

Great thread and i love the debate .



So what if the walden’s and manta are so bad what do you think of this one by Gordon Gaspar of Rhino Chasers/Sick Surf fame in Waimanalo…

I wanted it so bad a couple years ago.

It was a 5 fin (redx) long board with the tom curren/petersen fireball channel-stepped bottom

never could justify the price though…

He makes some strange stuff and some good stuff as well

here’s another strange one too a 9’3" “fish” longboard

I this stuff

Part of me says the simplest solution is the best one, especially when there’s foam, fiberglass, resin and plastic involved.

And the other half of me loves esoteric shit like you.


a twin fish is esoteric shit for more tha half the surfers in the world

i didn even know what one was 2 years ago

Of course it's worthy of serious discussion, that's what I am doing, seriously discussing it !

The reasons why I said that there`wasn’t too much thought behind the ‘stealth’ design are:

  1. That it’s obviously just lifted from the ‘stealth’ aircraft. … (which has poor aerodynamics)

  2. There’s no explanation for the design.

  3. It’s a really bad design, water hates flowing around corners !

Testimonials that the design ‘works’ are unimpressive, of course the thing is going to float and surf to a degree but it would certailnly go better without those corners


Well with that said I can see your clearly a sensable dude.

Straight and parallel outlines have been used for centuries and do have design pluses. Simmons used parallel straight outlines almost exclusively. Check out the old Hawaiian finless boards.

I made a finless longboard with straight but not parallel rails and found that once the rails were engaged, the board was very stable, held a nice high line and was as fast as any curvy outline I had ridden. The board tended to be a bit tracky but that was pretty amazing for something with no fins. The weirdest thing was that the board did not seem to react much to walking around from nose to tail once the rail was engaged.

The sharp angled tail would be prefect to help break the track and give you a well defined sweet spot for turning. The sharp angles in the nose look “catchy” but could be fixed with rocker.

Bottom line; straight line makes a stable rail turning board with a huge sweet spot but tracky. Corners make a quick turning pivot point with a very small sweetspot. Mix and match to get what you want.

I don’t doubt that there might be a practical function for the lines but…There is a reason why a good portion of boards have rounded rails and lines. Shapeing something like that sounds very hit or miss but mostly miss. If I need to go stealth for future recon surf sessions, I’ll contact you for design advice. I know this is off topic but does Walden make invisible wetsuits?